Frédérik De Laender
Département de biologie
- Membre
Research institutes
Namur Institute for Complex Systems
- Membre
Institute of Life-Earth-Environment
- Membre
Research center
Domains of expertise
I am a theoretical community ecologists working on the various connections between environmental change, several aspects of biodiversity, and ecosystem function. While I have mostly worked with models, I have also conducted experiments with plankton, and have contributed to meta-analyses. My specific interests include ecological stability, which quantifies how ecological systems respond to a dynamic environment, and coexistence as a vehicle to better understand the mechanisms that ultimately drive community composition.
External responsibilities
- 2024: Committee member of the Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF)
- 2019 – now: Recommender for PCI Ecology
- 2018 – now: Associate editor for the Journal of Ecology (British Ecological Society)
- 2017, 2024: Member of two evaluation boards of the ``DfG Priority Program'', Germany
- 2016 – 2021, 2023 - ...: Member of the scientific committee of the FRIA-FNRS Ph.D projects
- 2003: M.Sc, Bioscience engineering, Ghent University
- 2007: Ph.D, Bioscience engineering, environmental technology, Ghent University
- 2018: Fellow of the Namur Research College for scientific excellence in research.
- 2013: Member of the Young Academy of Science and Arts in Flanders, Belgium
Ecologie appliquée [SBIOB368]
Biodiversité aquatique [SBOEM123]
Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning [SBOEM162]
Biodiversité et espèces invasives [SBIOB346]
Bioindicateurs de pollution [SBOEM237]
Gestion de données en sciences de la vie, principes de base [SBIOB120]
Ecosystem stability [SBOEM142]
Ecologie appliquée [SBIOB368]
Biodiversité aquatique [SBOEM123]
Biodiversité et espèces invasives [SBIOB346]
Bioindicateurs de pollution [SBOEM237]
Data analysis and modeling of biological systems [SBOEM112]
Gestion de données en sciences de la vie, principes de base [SBIOB120]
Ecologie des milieux aquatiques naturels et perturbés [SBOEM142]
Ecotoxicology of Populations, Communities and Ecosystems [SBOEM162]
Ecologie appliquée [SBIOB368]
Applied ecotoxicology [SBOEM238]
Biodiversité aquatique [SBOEM123]
Biodiversité et espèces invasives [SBIOB346]
Bioindicateurs de pollution [SBOEM237]
Data analysis and modeling of biological systems [SBOEM112]
Gestion de données en sciences de la vie, principes de base [SBIOB120]
Ecologie des milieux aquatiques naturels et perturbés [SBOEM142]
Ecotoxicology of Populations, Communities and Ecosystems [SBOEM162]
Statistiques en sciences de la vie, principes de base [SBIOB205]
Notions de biologie fonctionnelle et adaptative [SBIOB207]
Biodiversité aquatique [SBOEM123]
Méthodologie scientifique et statistique [SBIOB218]
Data analysis and modeling of biological systems [SBOEM112]
Ecologie des milieux aquatiques naturels et perturbés [SBOEM142]
Ecotoxicology of Populations, Communities and Ecosystems [SBOEM162]
Statistiques en sciences de la vie, principes de base [SBIOB205]
Notions de biologie fonctionnelle et adaptative [SBIOB207]