Michael LOBET

Michaël Lobet



Courses (supervision)

  • MPHY B110 Medical Physics | TD/TP Bac 1 Medicine
  • SPHY B105 Experimental Physics | TD/TP Bac 1 Biology
  • SPHY B206 Quantum Mechanics I | Bac 2 Physics
  • SPHY B301 Quantum Mechanics II | Bac 3 Physics
  • SPHY M103 Quantum particle systems and quantum statistics | Master 1 Physics
  • SPHY M110 Physics of structured materials and nanostructures | Master 1/2 Physics
  • SPHY M214 Simulations in optics (digital optics) | Master 2 Physics

TREMPLIN tutor for the Pharmacy/Biology/Geography/Geology sections (2011-2012)

Participation in the ‘Introduction to scientific research’ course and preparatory sessions.

Michaël Lobet, a member of the LPS, is also affiliated to the NISM Institute (NOP research cluster) and leads a research team within the Solid State Physics Laboratory (LPS).


Research institutes

Research center


Domains of expertise

  • Photonics: photonic crystals, optical transformations, nanocomposite stratified media, Green's tensor for stratified media.
  • Metamaterials: superabsorbers, left-handed materials.
  • Optical simulations: calculation of photonic band structures, transfer matrix method (1D/3D), use of DDSCAT /Meep (FDTD)/ Comsol Multiphysics (FEM) codes. 
  • Solid state & nanostructure physics & plasmonics.


Master's degree in Physical Sciences (advanced studies)


  • BPS Prize for one of the best three Physics Master's thesis 2012
  • Best poster prize discerned by the Quantum Electronics and Photonics division of the Institute Of Physics (UK) at the conference Photon12 (Durham)



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