Learning outcomes

Practical use of the fundamental concepts of the didactics of mathematics. Student's reflexion about his teaching experience and development of his professional identity.


Practical use of the fundamental concepts of the didactics of mathematics. Student's reflexion about his teaching experience and development of his professional identity.


This course follows "Didactics and Epistemology of Mathematics I" and he tries to put into practise all the theoretical concepts treated during the first course.

Teaching methods

Oral presentations of didactical lessons, pratical exercises and conferences of experts.

Assessment method

The evaluation is based on two elements :

  • a portfolio accompanying the student all the year long which is the support of an oral présentation of the student's evolution during the year (50%)
  • the planning of a chapter which was effectively taught during the practical period (50%)

The weighted mean is used to provide the final note only if each part receives at least 8/20. In the other case, the smallest note is used.

Sources, references and any support material

Baruk S., "Si 7=0 - Quelles mathématiques pour l'école", Odile Jacob, paris, 2004.

Johsua S. - Dupin J.J., "Introduction à la didactique des sciences et des mathématiques", Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1993.

Briand J. - Chevalier M.C., "Les enjeux didactiques dans l'enseignement des mathématiques", Hatier, Paris, 1995.

Language of instruction
