Learning outcomes

Carry out a professional observation period in a workplace of the student's choice, in Belgium or abroad.


Explain the observation of the professional environment and its issues from a critical perspective, reflecting the specificity of the student's academic background and training in biology, including the Humanities courses


The internship consists of 10 working days, contiguous or not, the active presence of the student during the opening hours of the company/institution is compulsory. The student must fulfil the role assigned to him/her by the company tutor and described in a internship agreement.

Teaching methods

The course is recommended as a stand-alone course in order to allow for enrolment in February of the current academic year and to allow for withdrawal for cause, which is not the case in EAP registered courses. The conditions for enrolment are listed in the source section. The course is recommended as a stand-alone course in order to allow for enrolment still in February of the current academic year and to allow for withdrawal for a valid reason, which is not the case in the EAP courses. The conditions for enrolment are listed in the section "Sources". The student is responsible for finding the location of the internship, which is a professional environment of his/her choice, justified in a letter of motivation. An application should be sent to the holder of the course (eric.depiereux@unamur.be) at the appropriate time, depending on the period in which the course is being carried out: · Internship in Q1: application received at the end of Q2 of the previous year or beginning of Q1 of the current year. · Internship in Q2 or Q3: application received by the end of January of the current academic year The application should include a letter of motivation, school reports, the type of internship sought, or the specific location of the internship if already identified. This application must be validated by the admission jury, which will be attentive to the candidate's profile and the interest of the internship. The student must have obtained at least 80 credits at the time of the start of the internship and have an average of 12/20 or more. The final validation must include the brief CV of the supervisor and the description of the host institution. At this point a standard agreement will be drawn up and submitted for signature by the parties concerned by the mobility unit (mobility.sciences@unamur.be).

Assessment method

An internship report of 1500 to 2000 words written in scientific French (structure, rigour and precision of terms) must explain the contribution of the internship from a critical point of view, testifying to the specificity of the student's university education in biology, including courses in human sciences. The report must be sent to the holder of the course (eric.depiereux@unamur.be) at the latest one week before the date of the deliberation of the August session. In case of delay, the report will be kept and the evaluation will be postponed to the next academic year, subject to a re-registration to this course. In case of success, he/she will receive a certificate that can be validated in his/her next EAP (pae.sciences@unamur.be). The course can be completed several times but can only be validated once.

Sources, references and any support material

Conditions for enrolment in a single course · - The student must be financeable · - The student must have acquired at least 45 credits from Block 1*. · - The student must have the access title to the studies to which these individual courses are attached · - Maximum 15 credits per academic year (Q1 and Q2) · - Deadline: 31 October (Q1) and 28 February (Q2) For any questions regarding the registration procedure for these individual courses: https://www.unamur.be/etudes/inscription/procedures-inscription/libre

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Biology Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Biology Standard 3 3