Dominique Roberfroid
Doctor of medicine (UCL), Dominique Roberfroid also holds a master's degree in epidemiology (LSHTM), a master's degree in anthropology (ULB) and a doctorate in health sciences from the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Her expertise and research interests are:
- The development of evidence-based recommendations to facilitate rational decision-making in health care (evidence-based decision making);
- Conducting systematic reviews of the scientific literature, meta-analyses and health technology assessments;
- Evaluating healthcare programmes using mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative).
He has published numerous scientific articles, based in particular on his research into nutritional epidemiology in vulnerable populations in low- and middle-income countries (> 70 peer-reviewed scientific articles; Hirsch index = 30). In addition to his teaching duties at UNamur, he works as a senior medical expert at the Federal Centre of Expertise for Health Care (KCE). From April 2020, he will also head the Nutrition Health Facility at UGent, an international platform funded by the European Commission to promote evidence-based decision-making in the field of nutrition.
Epidémiologie médicale et EBM [MMEDB220]
Epidémiologie médicale et EBM [MMEDB220_P39117]
Santé publique [MMEDB306]
Epidémiologie médicale et EBM [MMEDB220]
Epidémiologie médicale et EBM [MMEDB220_P34566]
Santé publique [MMEDB306]
Epidémiologie médicale et EBM [MMEDB220]
Santé publique [MMEDB306]