Etienne Renard



Main research topics :

  • Polyptychs and management documents from the early Middle Ages (5th-11th centuries).
  • Institutional, legal and socio-economic history of the early Middle Ages, in particular: the naming of offices, land and individuals (mancipium, villa, mansus, etc.) in the domanial system and the Frankish legal framework; the influence of public powers (the king and the various representatives of ‘public power’): tax collection, military services, labour charges (corvées), the exercise of justice, etc.; servitude and the various forms of dependence (the status of servants, colonists, freedmen, ‘sainteurs’, etc.).


Research institutes

Research center


Domains of expertise

economic, socio-legal and institutional history of the early Middle Ages (especially the 8th-9th centuries)

External responsibilities

  • Member (editor) of the Ménestrel network (Medievalists on the Internet)
  • Member of the Walloon Section of the Royal Commission for Toponymy and Dialectology
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the Maison du patrimoine médiéval mosan (Dinant)
  • Member of the FNRS contact group ‘Translatio: Antiquité tardive - haut Moyen Âge (IVe-Xe s.)’.
  • Member of the French Association of Merovingian Archaeology (AFAM)
  • Member of the Réseau des Médiévistes Belges de Langue Française (RMBLF - FNRS contact group)
  • Member of the Société archéologique de Namur (SAN)


History degree (U.C.L.)
Agrégation of secondary education in history (U.C.L.)
Doctorate in history (UNamur)





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