Nathalie Burnay
Nathalie Burnay is a full professor at the University of Namur. For many years she has been working on the analysis of end-of-career and ageing at work from a disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective. She approaches these issues through an analysis of social policies, changes in working conditions and normative transformations in the contemporary world. In recent years, her scientific horizons have broadened to include issues relating to transmission, life courses and temporality, as well as the sociology of emotions.
Latest publications: Burnay N. (Ed). Sociologie des émotions, De Boeck, Collection Ouvertures sociologiques, 2022.
Burnay N., Ogg J., Krekula C., Vendramin P., Older Workers and Exclusion Processes on the Labour Market: a life course Perspective, Life course Research and Social Policies, Springer, 14, 2022.
In recent years she has been a guest lecturer at the Nova University in Lisbon, IEP Aix-en-Provence, Kalstad University, the Centre arabe de recherche et d'études politiques (CAREP) in Tunisia, Iasi University, the Catholic University of Lille and the University of Toulouse Jean Jaures.
Research institutes
Research center
Domains of expertise
- Ageing at work
- Precariousness
- Normative transformations of work
- Social policies
External responsibilities
Full professor at the Catholic University of Louvain (50%)
- Doctorate in Sociology (UCL- 1999)
- Master's degree in sociology (UCL- 1995)
- Degree in labour sciences (UCL- 1993)
- Nominated for the Le Monde university research prize for the best thesis in the humanities (1999)
- Winner of the ‘Tournesol’ competition organised by the French Embassy in Belgium (2000)
- Winner of the Ochs-Lefèbvre Prize awarded by the Belgian Royal Academy of Science, Literature and Fine Arts for a young researcher in sociology, psychology and economics (2002)
- Winner of the Ernest Mahaim - Emile Waxweiler Foundation Prize, awarded by the Royal Academy of Belgium, Class of Letters.
- Member of the Alumnis of the Royal Academy of Belgium.
Research Project : Digital Transition [EINCB218]
Research Project : Policy-making in transforming societies [EPOLB221]
Méthodes de recherche en sciences sociales [EFASB221]
Research Project : Digital Transition [EINCB218]
Research Project : Policy-making in transforming societies [EPOLB221]
Méthodes de recherche en sciences sociales [EFASB221]
Research Project : Digital Transition [EINCB218]
Research Project : Policy-making in transforming societies [EPOLB221]
Méthodes de recherche en sciences sociales [EFASB221]
Research Project : Digital Transition [EINCB218]
Research Project : Policy-making in transforming societies [EPOLB221]