Respiratory physiology and pathophysiology of domestic and laboratory animals (pulmonary function tests, condensed exhalations, bronchoalveolar lavage, bronchial biopsies, medical imaging)
Study of oxidative stress in vivo in domestic animals and in animal models (blood markers of oxidative stress, pulmonary markers, F2-isoprostanes)
Study of enzymatic stress (matrix metalloproteases) in the lungs and joints
Exercise-induced oxidative stress in sport horses
Expertise in emerging diseases of small ruminants (Bluetongue, Schmallenberg virus, Q fever, etc.)
External responsibilities
Teaching ‘Maîtres d'expérience Cat C’ candidates at the Université de Liège (ULG) (2003-2015), the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) (>2008), UNamur (>2009)
Contribution to continuing education for veterinary practitioners (Formavet; >2005)
Contribution to hygiene certification training for German-speaking Belgian hunters (>2007)
Contribution to the training of animal biotechnicians (UNamur 2008-2017)
Visiting professor at ULg for a complementary master's degree in Animal Infectiology, Veterinary Medicine (>2011)
Member of the Veterinary Comparative Respiratory Society (VCRS, 2001-2012)
Member of the board of the Veterinary Comparative Respiratory Society (VCRS board, 2006-2011)
Member of the Belgian Society for Fundamental and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology (2003-)
Mitglied des Arbeitskreises Vergleichende Pathologie und Pathophysiologie des respiratorischen Systems; Germany (2002-2016)
Member of the Board of Directors of FICOW (Walloon goat and sheep industry) (2006-2016)
Member of the Board of the Centre d'Economie Rurale (CER), Marloie (2006-2017)
Advisory Board member of THE VETERINARY JOURNAL (2006-)
Member of the Board of Scientific Reviewers of the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH (2008-2011)
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (1997)
Doctor of Veterinary Science (PhD) (2001)
Master of experience Cat C (2005)
Prize of the FNRS contact group ‘Phénomènes oxydants’, FNRS, Namur 2000
Joan O'Brien Research Award for the best oral presentation of PhD students - Veterinary Comparative Respiratory Society & World Equine Airway Symposium; Edinborough, Scotland, 2001
Comparative Pathophysiology
Physiologie générale
Physiologie humaine
Comparative Pathophysiology
Physiologie générale
Physiologie humaine
Comparative Pathophysiology
Physiologie générale
Physiologie humaine
Animal Pathology
This person also has a profile on the UNamur research portal.