

Expert in Materials & Energy science between academic research, industry and training; experienced in setting up and managing R&I project portfolios, as well as creating value from research results in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and internationally; at ease in multifunctional environments with a view to establishing long-term partnerships.

Responsible for technology and knowledge transfer within the Research Administration (ADRE) in Materials and Energy, and patent portfolio manager.


Domains of expertise

Organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, sustainable materials and energy transition.

Management of innovation, intellectual property rights and project portfolios as part of an Innovation Management System.

External responsibilities

  • Director and LIEU referent for the Mecatech cluster.
  • Director of Nanocyl.
  • DIS 1, 4 and IIS CETWA and e-WallonHY referent.


PhD in Chemical Sciences from ULiège in 1991.

This person also has a profile on the UNamur research portal.

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