Learning outcomes

The integrated teaching unit (UEI) of block 3 puts students into action around the following disciplinary problems:

1. Understanding of the SDGs: The starting point will be devoted to the presentation of the SDG and to the awareness of sustainable development issues in terms of innovation and management.

2. Creativity and emergence of ideas for innovative solutions.

3. Development of an innovative offer (product or service).

4. Carrying out a study project that studies the perception or feasibility conditions of the selected innovation (via two data collections).

5. Rigorous management of this study project.

6. Building a constructive team dynamic, based on the establishment of a climate of psychological safety and mechanisms for regulating exchanges (feedback, conflict management, etc.).

7. Developing quality academic work in English.

In terms of transversal skills, the UEI allows you to revisit the collaborative work skills covered in block 1 and block 2 while expanding on them. As in block 2, the focus remains on the writing techniques needed to produce a complete report in English, but also on presentation techniques (speaking in front of a large audience, group dynamics during the presentation, etc.).



The main objective of the UEI is to raise awareness among students about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and sustainable development issues in terms of innovation. This innovation project allows students to reflect on a challenge linked to an SDG chosen each year and to propose an innovative solution to solve it.

The UEI therefore aims to:

• Promote awareness among students of their role and responsibility as agents of change in society and more specifically, in the field of innovation;

• Give students the tools and skills needed to integrate sustainability into their innovation practice;

• Transform the course into “project incubators” to allow students to work on a concrete solution, which requires taking initiative, mobilization and interactions with stakeholders (consumers, businesses, NGOs, etc.) in connection with the SDG selected each year;

• Develop methodological skills in innovation, market research and transversal skills.



The UEI will mainly address the following aspects: • Innovation • Project management • Qualitative study • Quantitative study • Transversal skills

The exact course of the IEU will be communicated at the first "kick-off" session.

Assessment method

The evaluation methods will be specified at the first "kick-off" session.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Business Engineering Standard 0 10
Bachelor in Business Engineering Standard 3 10