Quantum mechanics I
- UE code SPHYB206
30 15Quarter 2
- ECTS Credits 6
- Teacher Henrard Luc
The concept of quantum and its consequences
The fondamental equation (Schrödinger) and the postulates of quantum mechanics
The lathematical tools of basic quantum mechanics
Place the quantum mechanics in a historical context and show how it describes the world.
Use wisely the formalism of quantum mechnics
Introduce the consequences and the technological developments based on QM (tunnel effect, spin, cryptography, ...)
The lecture proposes an introduction to quantum concepts. After an historical aspect, the formalim of QM is presented and the first consequences on the physical properties of matter and radiation are evidenced. An important part is devoted to the mathematical tools that allow to apprehend the formalism and the postulates. Purely quantum concepts (spin, localisation) are explicited and their consequences on the comprenhension of the world and of the technoloy explicited.
1 The quanta
1.1 Light and photons
1.2 Matter and quanta
2. Schrödinger equation and first consesuances
2.1 The wave function and Schrödinger equation
2.2 Wave paquets and particles
2.3 Stationnary states and state superpositions
2.4 Quantum wells and barriers at 1D
2.5 Boundary conditions
2.6 Examples of 1D systems
3 Mathematical tools
3.1 State space, scalar product and Dirac Notation
3.2 Operators and observavbles
3.3 Complete set of commuting operators
3.4 Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 Wave mechanics and matrix mechanics
3.6 Tensorial product of space states
4 Postulates and their consequences
4.1 State of a system
4.2 Physical quantities and observables
4.3 Result of a measurement
4.4 probability of measurement
4.5 Projection
4.6Time evolution
5 Statistical description of QM
5.1 Statistical indicators
5.2 Heisenberg Inegality
5.3 Evolution of the mean value of an observable .
5.4 Density matrix and operator
6 Other purely quantum concepts
6.1 The view of Schrödinger, Heisenbert and Interaction
6.2 Classical Limits and Ehrenfest theorem
6.3 The spin
6.4 Determinism, locality, Intrication and hidden variables
6.5 Information, communication et Quantum Computer
Lectures and pratical work with participation of the students.
Oral exam with an written preparation. The students have form provide by the teacher.
C. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Diu et F. Laloë, Mécanique quantique I (Editions Hermann, Collection : Enseignement des sciences, 1997)
\textit{Mécanique Quantique}(2 tomes),
N. Zettili. Quantum mechanics. Wiley (2003)
B.H. Bransden, C.J. Joachain. Quantum Mechanics.Pearson Education (2000)
C. Aslangul. Mécanique Quantique(2 tomes), De Boeck - Larcier (2007)
J.-P. Pérez, R. Charles, O. Pujol. Quantique. Fondements et applications.De Boeck (2013)
J.-M. Levy-Leblond, F. Balibar. Quantique, Rudiments. Interédition (1984)
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Bachelor in Physics | Standard | 0 | 6 | |
Bachelor in Physics | Standard | 2 | 6 |