Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student should be able to analyse grammatically, translate and comment on Greek prose texts of short length and medium difficulty, dealing with archaeological, historical and mythological subjects. To do this, they will have acquired a command of Greek conjugations and propositional syntax.


This unit aims to enable the student to : – to deepen his knowledge of Greek morphology, in a practical rather than theoretical way, especially verbal morphology; – Refine their translation skills through the study of Greek texts of a certain length that offer an interesting problematic in relation to their programme of study; – approach the interpretation of these texts in a critical and argumentative way.


In addition to a revision and deepening of certain grammar points (verbs and syntax of propositions, in particular), the course focuses on the study of prose texts written in the Attic dialect or in Koinê. The selected texts deal with archaeological, historical or philosophical subjects. The texts are mainly excerpts from the works of Herodotus, Plato, Aristotle, Diodorus and Apollodorus. The techniques of translation are used in class and applied by the students during version exercises in class or at home (preparation of texts).

Assessment method

Interrogations during the year (including two versions) and a written exam in June. The subject matter of the quizzes and the examination is specified on WebCampus. The final evaluation includes : – for 20%, the result obtained in the tests and versions scheduled during the term; – for 80%, the result obtained in the final written examination. As the course runs throughout the year, a partial examination takes place in January. The January mark is worth 1/2 of the total mark

Sources, references and any support material

Planque's grammar (out of print) is available to students as a pdf via WebCampus. The syllabus of texts and review papers is provided in class: some texts are chosen according to the students' wishes.

Language of instruction
