Bachelor in History
regular course
- ECTS Credits 180
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LCLAB303 Linguistique générale Seldeslachts Herman 15h th. 3 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LARTB023 Ancient Near East Preys René 30h th. 3 LARTB032 Egypt Preys René 30h th. 3 LARTB024 Pre-Hellenic and Greek Antiquity I Richard Julian 30h th. 3 LARTB035 Pre-Hellenic and Greek Antiquity II Richard Julian 30h th. 3 LARTB009 Italic and Etruscan Antiquity Richard Julian 30h th. 3 LARTB038 Roman antiquity Richard Julian 30h th. 3 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LARTB210_P31267 <unknown> Lefftz Michel Richard Julian Dekoninck Ralph 15h th. 2 Soft skillsLHISB321 Cultural project in history Parmentier Isabelle Parmentier Isabelle 15h th. 2 LARTB048 Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Preys René 30h th. 3 LLETB002 History of ancient literature and its legacies MINET MATHIEU 30h th. 3 LARTB213 Excavation methods and archaeological site management Martin Fanny 15h th. 3 LROMB309 <unknown> Seldeslachts Herman 30h th. 3 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LCLAB012_P31161 <unknown> Assenmaker Pierre 30h th. 3 3 3 LCLAB011_P31159 <unknown> Assenmaker Pierre 30h th. 3 3 3 LCLAB003_P31157 <unknown> Assenmaker Pierre 30h th. 3 3 3 LCLAB005 Reading of Greek texts Obsomer Claude 45h th. 4 4 4 LCLAB006 Explication d'auteurs grecs A Fontaine Elise 45h th. 4 LCLAB013 Explication d'auteurs grecs 45h th. 4 LCLAB014 Explication d'auteurs grecs C 45h th. 4
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LHISB311 Codicology Hermand Xavier 15h th. 3 LHISB312 Diplomatic NIEUS Jean-François 15h th. 3 LHISB317 Special palaeography of the medieval period NIEUS Jean-François 15h th. 2 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 Soft skillsLLETB001 Books and digital culture LEYH Valérie 30h th. 3 LLETB002 History of ancient literature and its legacies MINET MATHIEU 30h th. 3 Soft skillsLHISB321 Cultural project in history Parmentier Isabelle Parmentier Isabelle 15h th. 2 LPHIB002 History of medieval philosophy Rizzerio Laura 30h th. 3 LARTB213 Excavation methods and archaeological site management Martin Fanny 15h th. 3 LARTB025 Medieval painting and sculpture Lefftz Michel 30h th. 3 LARTB040 Architecture and monumental decoration of the Middle Ages PIAVAUX Mathieu 30h th. 3 LROMB310 <unknown> Palumbo Giovanni 30h th. 3 LROMB205 <unknown> Palumbo Giovanni 30h th. 3 3 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LHISB316 Translation of medieval Latin texts II Hermand Xavier NIEUS Jean-François 30h th. 3
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LHISB315 Special Palaeography of the Modern Period DELLEAUX Fulgence 15h th. 2 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 EPOLB315_P30396 History and law of international relations Jouan Quentin le Hardÿ de Beaulieu Jean 30h th. 3 Soft skillsLHISB321 Cultural project in history Parmentier Isabelle Parmentier Isabelle 15h th. 2 LPHIB003 History of the philosophy of Modern Times Laoureux Sebastien Carré Louis 30h th. 3 LROMB109 History of French Literature I Saint-Amand Denis VRYDAGHS David 30h th. 3 Soft skillsDROIB152 Constitutional history and political systems ANDRÉ Mathias 45h th. + 6h ex. 4 LARTB043 Architecture and monumental decor of the Modern Age PIAVAUX Mathieu 30h th. 3 LARTB026 Painting and sculpture in the Modern Age Lefftz Michel 30h th. 3 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LELVB002 Nederlands 2 (level B1 of hoger) 60h th. 4 4 4 LNRLB002 Geschiedenis van de Nederlandstalige literatuur II (1650-nu) LEIJNSE Elisabeth 45h th. + 15h ex. 3 LNRLB001 Geschiedenis van de Nederlandstalige literatuur I (1100-1650) LEIJNSE Elisabeth 30h th. 3 3
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 Soft skillsLHISB320 Critique of film sources Roekens Anne 15h th. 2 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 Soft skillsLLETB001 Books and digital culture LEYH Valérie 30h th. 3 EPOLB315_P30396 History and law of international relations Jouan Quentin le Hardÿ de Beaulieu Jean 30h th. 3 EINCB365 Sociology and history of the media Hallet Marion HAINEAUX Esther Collard Anne-Sophie Roekens Anne 60h th. 5 Soft skillsLHISB321 Cultural project in history Parmentier Isabelle Parmentier Isabelle 15h th. 2 DROIB326 Main trends in criminology TIXHON Axel Hubert Hugues-Olivier 30h th. 3 LARTB027 Contemporary Era I Leenaerts Danielle 30h th. 3 LARTB047 Contemporary Era II 30h th. 3 LHISB319 War and Strategy in Late Modern History TIXHON Axel 30h th. 3 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LELVB002 Nederlands 2 (level B1 of hoger) 60h th. 4 4 4 LNRLB001 Geschiedenis van de Nederlandstalige literatuur I (1100-1650) LEIJNSE Elisabeth 30h th. 3 3 LNRLB002_P31233 <unknown> LEIJNSE Elisabeth 45h th. 3
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LCLAB101 History of Antiquity Flament Christophe Liard Florence 45h th. 4 Soft skillsLHISB305 Epistemology of history Renard Etienne 15h th. 2 LHISB004 History of the Middle Ages Hermand Xavier 30h th. 3 LHISB223 Political structures and institutions of the ancient world Flament Christophe 30h th. 3 LHISB318 Historiography DELLEAUX Fulgence 15h th. 2 LHISB003 History of Modern Times DELLEAUX Fulgence 30h th. 3 LHISB220 Structures politiques et institutions du Moyen Age occidental Renard Etienne 30h th. 3 Soft skillsLHISB002 History of the Contemporary Era TIXHON Axel 30h th. 3 LHISB221 Political structures and institutions of the Belgian space in the modern period Parmentier Isabelle 30h th. 3 LHISB204 Belgian political structures and institutions in contemporary times TIXHON Axel Dodeigne Jérémy 45h th. 4 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LCLAB301 Questions of ancient history Flament Christophe 30h th. 3 LHISB302 Questions d'histoire du Moyen Âge Renard Etienne 30h th. 3 LHISB303 Questions on the history of Modern Times Parmentier Isabelle DELLEAUX Fulgence 30h th. 3 Soft skillsLHISB304 Questions of Contemporary History TIXHON Axel Roekens Anne 30h th. 3
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LARTB109 Archaeology and Art History. Prehistory and Protohistory Martin Fanny 30h th. 3 LARTB110 Archeology and Art History. Antiquity - Ancien Near East-Egypt Preys René 30h th. 3 LARTB111 Archaeology and Art history : Greek and Roman Antiquity Richard Julian 30h th. 3 LARTB011 Archaeology and art history. Middle Ages PIAVAUX Mathieu Van den Bossche Benoît 30h th. 3 LARTB012 Archaeology and Art History. Modern times Lefftz Michel 30h th. 3 LARTB028 Archaeology and Art History. Contemporary period Leenaerts Danielle 30h th. 3 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 Soft skillsLCLAB213 Research pre-seminar: Antiquity Flament Christophe Assenmaker Pierre 15h th. 5 Soft skillsLHISB213 Research pre-seminar: Middle Ages Renard Etienne Hermand Xavier RUFFINI-RONZANI Nicolas 15h th. 5 Soft skillsLHISB227 Research seminar: revolutionary period (ca 1750-1815) TIXHON Axel 15h th. 5 LHISB214 Pre-seminar Research: Modern Times DELLEAUX Fulgence 15h th. 5 Soft skillsLHISB215 Research seminar: Contemporary Era Fragnier Angélique Roekens Anne 15h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 Soft skillsLCLAB304 Research Seminar: Antiquity Flament Christophe Liard Florence 30h th. 12 Soft skillsLHISB307 Research Seminar: Middle Ages Hermand Xavier RUFFINI-RONZANI Nicolas Renard Etienne 30h th. 12 Soft skillsLHISB308 Research Seminar: Modern Times Parmentier Isabelle 30h th. 12 Soft skillsLHISB309 Research Seminar: Contemporary Era TIXHON Axel 30h th. 12
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LHISB101 Religious Studies Hermans Michel 30h th. 3 FINT0024 Historical introduction to the main non-European civilisations (India-China module) Renard Etienne Tignol Eve 45h th. 4 4 FINT0027 <unknown> 45h th. 4 4 LHISB324 Sociology, anthropology and history Parmentier Isabelle 15h th. 2 LPHIB105 Introduction générale à la philosophie MONSEU-VAN CLEEMPUT Nicolas De Meyer Thibault 45h th. 5 LPHIB201 General epistemology MODERA Astrid De Meyer Thibault 30h th. 3 LHISB322 Religious Studies Issues Hermans Michel 15h th. 2 LHISB219_P30807 <unknown> Hungerbuhler Mathias 30h th. + 15h ex. 4 LHISB222 Introduction to law Robaye René 30h th. 3 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LHISB224 Fondements et méthodologie de la géographie Dendoncker Nicolas 30h th. 3 FINT0024 Historical introduction to the main non-European civilisations (India-China module) Renard Etienne Tignol Eve 45h th. 4 4 FINT0027 <unknown> 45h th. 4 4 LPHIB010 Introduction to the Humanities Brackelaire Jean-Luc 30h th. 3 Soft skillsSGOGB309 Geography of the population Henry Sabine DUJARDIN Sébastien 30h th. + 23h ex. 4
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LLETB103 Introduction aux littératures occidentales DE MULDER Caroline 30h th. 3 -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LCLAB101 History of Antiquity Flament Christophe Liard Florence 4 45h th. LHISB004 History of the Middle Ages Hermand Xavier 3 30h th. LHISB003 History of Modern Times DELLEAUX Fulgence 3 30h th. Soft skillsLHISB002 History of the Contemporary Era TIXHON Axel 3 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LARTB109 Archaeology and Art History. Prehistory and Protohistory Martin Fanny 3 30h th. LARTB110 Archeology and Art History. Antiquity - Ancien Near East-Egypt Preys René 3 30h th. LARTB111 Archaeology and Art history : Greek and Roman Antiquity Richard Julian 3 30h th. LARTB011 Archaeology and art history. Middle Ages PIAVAUX Mathieu Van den Bossche Benoît 3 30h th. LARTB012 Archaeology and Art History. Modern times Lefftz Michel 3 30h th. LARTB028 Archaeology and Art History. Contemporary period Leenaerts Danielle 3 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LLETB101 Introduction to writing a scientific paper TIXHON Axel PIAVAUX Mathieu 3 7.5h th. 7.5h th. Soft skillsLLETB102 Bibliographic methods: libraries and the internet Preys René Parmentier Isabelle 5 30h th. + 15h ex. LHISB001 Critique historique Hermand Xavier 3 30h th. + 15h ex. LARTB101 Research approaches in art history and archaeology Lefftz Michel Richard Julian 5 15h th. Soft skillsLHISB102 Research approaches in history Roekens Anne Renard Etienne 5 15h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LHISB101 Religious Studies Hermans Michel 3 30h th. LPHIB105 Introduction générale à la philosophie MONSEU-VAN CLEEMPUT Nicolas De Meyer Thibault 5 45h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LLETB103 Introduction aux littératures occidentales DE MULDER Caroline 3 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LHISB223 Political structures and institutions of the ancient world Flament Christophe 3 30h th. LHISB220 Structures politiques et institutions du Moyen Age occidental Renard Etienne 3 30h th. LHISB221 Political structures and institutions of the Belgian space in the modern period Parmentier Isabelle 3 30h th. LHISB204 Belgian political structures and institutions in contemporary times TIXHON Axel Dodeigne Jérémy 4 45h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LHISB216 Introduction to oral communication of historical knowledge TIXHON Axel 3 15h th. LHISB228 Introduction aux méthodes quantitatives Parmentier Isabelle 2 15h th. LHISB210 Heuristics of the Middle Ages Hermand Xavier 3 15h th. 15h th. + 15h ex. Soft skillsLHISB211 Modern Day Heuristics Parmentier Isabelle 3 15h th. 15h th. + 15h ex. Soft skillsLHISB212 Heuristics of the Contemporary Era ROCHET Bénédicte 3 30h th. 15h ex. Soft skillsLCLAB212 Heuristics of Antiquity Flament Christophe 3 30h th. LHISB225 Analysis of iconographic documents TIXHON Axel 2 15h th. LHISB226 Text analysis: methods and applications Roekens Anne DELLEAUX Fulgence 2 15h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 Soft skillsLCLAB213 Research pre-seminar: Antiquity Flament Christophe Assenmaker Pierre 5 7.5h th. 7.5h th. Soft skillsLHISB213 Research pre-seminar: Middle Ages Renard Etienne Hermand Xavier RUFFINI-RONZANI Nicolas 5 7.5h th. 7.5h th. Soft skillsLHISB227 Research seminar: revolutionary period (ca 1750-1815) TIXHON Axel 5 7.5h th. 7.5h th. LHISB214 Pre-seminar Research: Modern Times DELLEAUX Fulgence 5 7.5h th. 7.5h th. Soft skillsLHISB215 Research seminar: Contemporary Era Fragnier Angélique Roekens Anne 5 7.5h th. 7.5h th.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LHISB219_P30807 <unknown> Hungerbuhler Mathias 4 30h th. + 15h ex. LHISB222 Introduction to law Robaye René 3 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LHISB224 Fondements et méthodologie de la géographie Dendoncker Nicolas 3 30h th. FINT0024 Historical introduction to the main non-European civilisations (India-China module) Renard Etienne Tignol Eve 4 22.5h th. 22.5h th. FINT0027 <unknown> 4 22.5h th. 22.5h th. LPHIB010 Introduction to the Humanities Brackelaire Jean-Luc 3 30h th. Soft skillsSGOGB309 Geography of the population Henry Sabine DUJARDIN Sébastien 4 30h th. + 23h ex.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LCLAB303 Linguistique générale Seldeslachts Herman 3 15h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LARTB023 Ancient Near East Preys René 3 30h th. LARTB032 Egypt Preys René 3 30h th. LARTB024 Pre-Hellenic and Greek Antiquity I Richard Julian 3 30h th. LARTB035 Pre-Hellenic and Greek Antiquity II Richard Julian 3 30h th. LARTB009 Italic and Etruscan Antiquity Richard Julian 3 30h th. LARTB038 Roman antiquity Richard Julian 3 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LARTB210_P31267 <unknown> Lefftz Michel Richard Julian Dekoninck Ralph 2 15h th. LHISB321 Cultural project in history 2 15h th. LARTB048 Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Preys René 3 30h th. LLETB002 History of ancient literature and its legacies 3 30h th. LARTB213 Excavation methods and archaeological site management 3 15h th. LROMB309 <unknown> Seldeslachts Herman 3 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LCLAB012_P31161 <unknown> Assenmaker Pierre 3 30h th. LCLAB011_P31159 <unknown> Assenmaker Pierre 3 30h th. LCLAB003_P31157 <unknown> Assenmaker Pierre 3 30h th. LCLAB005 Reading of Greek texts Obsomer Claude 4 22.5h th. 22.5h th. LCLAB006 Explication d'auteurs grecs A Fontaine Elise 4 30h th. 15h th. LCLAB013 Explication d'auteurs grecs 4 30h th. 15h th. LCLAB014 Explication d'auteurs grecs C 4 30h th. 15h th.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LHISB311 Codicology Hermand Xavier 3 15h th. LHISB312 Diplomatic NIEUS Jean-François 3 15h th. LHISB317 Special palaeography of the medieval period NIEUS Jean-François 2 15h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LLETB001 Books and digital culture 3 30h th. LLETB002 History of ancient literature and its legacies MINET MATHIEU 3 30h th. LHISB321 Cultural project in history 2 15h th. LPHIB002 History of medieval philosophy Rizzerio Laura 3 30h th. LARTB213 Excavation methods and archaeological site management Martin Fanny 3 15h th. LARTB025 Medieval painting and sculpture Lefftz Michel 3 30h th. LARTB040 Architecture and monumental decoration of the Middle Ages PIAVAUX Mathieu 3 30h th. LROMB310 <unknown> Palumbo Giovanni 3 30h th. LROMB205 <unknown> Palumbo Giovanni 3 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LHISB316 Translation of medieval Latin texts II Hermand Xavier NIEUS Jean-François 3 15h th. 15h th.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LHISB315 Special Palaeography of the Modern Period DELLEAUX Fulgence 2 15h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 EPOLB315_P30396 History and law of international relations 3 30h th. LHISB321 Cultural project in history 2 15h th. LPHIB003 History of the philosophy of Modern Times Laoureux Sebastien Carré Louis 3 30h th. LROMB109 History of French Literature I Saint-Amand Denis VRYDAGHS David 3 30h th. Soft skillsDROIB152 Constitutional history and political systems ANDRÉ Mathias 4 45h th. + 6h ex. LARTB043 Architecture and monumental decor of the Modern Age PIAVAUX Mathieu 3 30h th. LARTB026 Painting and sculpture in the Modern Age Lefftz Michel 3 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LELVB002 Nederlands 2 (level B1 of hoger) 4 30h th. 30h th. LNRLB002 Geschiedenis van de Nederlandstalige literatuur II (1650-nu) LEIJNSE Elisabeth 3 45h th. + 15h ex. LNRLB001 Geschiedenis van de Nederlandstalige literatuur I (1100-1650) 3 30h th.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 Soft skillsLHISB320 Critique of film sources Roekens Anne 2 15h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 Soft skillsLLETB001 Books and digital culture LEYH Valérie 3 30h th. EPOLB315_P30396 History and law of international relations Jouan Quentin le Hardÿ de Beaulieu Jean 3 30h th. EINCB365 Sociology and history of the media Hallet Marion HAINEAUX Esther Collard Anne-Sophie Roekens Anne 5 60h th. Soft skillsLHISB321 Cultural project in history Parmentier Isabelle Parmentier Isabelle 2 15h th. DROIB326 Main trends in criminology TIXHON Axel Hubert Hugues-Olivier 3 30h th. LARTB027 Contemporary Era I Leenaerts Danielle 3 30h th. LARTB047 Contemporary Era II 3 30h th. LHISB319 War and Strategy in Late Modern History TIXHON Axel 3 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LELVB002 Nederlands 2 (level B1 of hoger) 4 30h th. 30h th. LNRLB001 Geschiedenis van de Nederlandstalige literatuur I (1100-1650) LEIJNSE Elisabeth 3 30h th. LNRLB002_P31233 <unknown> LEIJNSE Elisabeth 3 45h th.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 Soft skillsLHISB305 Epistemology of history Renard Etienne 2 15h th. LHISB318 Historiography DELLEAUX Fulgence 2 15h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LCLAB301 Questions of ancient history Flament Christophe 3 30h th. LHISB302 Questions d'histoire du Moyen Âge Renard Etienne 3 30h th. LHISB303 Questions on the history of Modern Times Parmentier Isabelle DELLEAUX Fulgence 3 30h th. Soft skillsLHISB304 Questions of Contemporary History TIXHON Axel Roekens Anne 3 30h th.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LHISB310 Western Palaeography: General Introduction Hermand Xavier 2 15h th. + 15h ex. LHISB323 Statistics and data science in history Parmentier Isabelle RUFFINI-RONZANI Nicolas 3 15h th. 15h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 Soft skillsLCLAB304 Research Seminar: Antiquity Flament Christophe Liard Florence 12 15h th. 15h th. Soft skillsLHISB307 Research Seminar: Middle Ages Hermand Xavier RUFFINI-RONZANI Nicolas Renard Etienne 12 15h th. 15h th. Soft skillsLHISB308 Research Seminar: Modern Times Parmentier Isabelle 12 15h th. 15h th. Soft skillsLHISB309 Research Seminar: Contemporary Era TIXHON Axel 12 15h th. 15h th.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 FINT0024 Historical introduction to the main non-European civilisations (India-China module) Renard Etienne Tignol Eve 4 22.5h th. 22.5h th. FINT0027 <unknown> 4 22.5h th. 22.5h th. LHISB324 Sociology, anthropology and history Parmentier Isabelle 2 15h th. LPHIB201 General epistemology MODERA Astrid De Meyer Thibault 3 30h th. LHISB322 Religious Studies Issues Hermans Michel 2 15h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LROMB310 <unknown> 3 30h th. LROMB205 <unknown> 3 30h th. LCLAB005 Reading of Greek texts 4 22.5h th. 22.5h th. LCLAB006_P31167 <unknown> Fontaine Elise 3 30h th. LCLAB003_P31157 <unknown> 3 30h th. LCLAB011_P31159 <unknown> 3 30h th. LCLAB012_P31161 <unknown> 3 30h th. LALLB001 Reading of German texts I Vanoirbeek Fabienne 3 30h th. LALLB002 Reading German texts II Vanoirbeek Fabienne 3 30h th. LCLAB007 Reading of Latin texts Assenmaker Pierre 3 30h th. 15h th. LANGB003 English literary history I (600-1660) Delabastita Dirk 3 30h th. LANGB004_P31237 English literary history II (1660-present) Delabastita Dirk 3 45h th. LCLAB013_P31169 Explanation of Greek authors B 3 30h th. LCLAB014_P31171 <unknown> 3 30h th. Soft skillsLELVB001 English 2 (level B1 or higher) 4 30h th. 30h th. LELVB002 Nederlands 2 (level B1 of hoger) 4 30h th. 30h th. Soft skillsLELVB301 English 3 (level B2 or higher) 4 30h th. 30h th. LHISB316 Translation of medieval Latin texts II 3 15h th. 15h th. LNRLB001 Geschiedenis van de Nederlandstalige literatuur I (1100-1650) 3 30h th. LNRLB002_P31233 <unknown> 3 45h th.