Pierre Assenmaker
Classical philologist by training, Pierre Assenmaker holds a doctorate in Languages and Letters (2010) from the Université Catholique de Louvain, where he served as an Aspirant (2006-2010) and Chargé de recherches (2010-2014) at the F.R.S.-FNRS. A visiting lecturer at the University of Namur from 2012 to 2015, he was appointed lecturer at this institution in 2015, then professor in 2018.
He teaches all three Latin courses in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. Since the 2019-2020 academic year, he has been teaching several Latin language and literature courses as part of the new bachelor's degree in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures (Latin-French).
Research institutes
Research center
Domains of expertise
- Roman history: political communication and strategies for legitimizing power (particularly through religious references) at the end of the Republic and during the High Empire.
- Roman numismatics (Republic and Early Empire): monetary types as vectors of political communication.
- Latin literature (particularly the Republican and Augustan periods): the historical and cultural roots of literary works and their relationship to power.
- The Latin works of Petrarch (1304-1374): the relationship with Antiquity as a source of literary and political inspiration.
- Reception of Antiquity and humanist culture (particularly through the study of medals and ancient books)
External responsibilities
- Full member and vice-president of the Société royale de numismatique de Belgique.
- Member of the Société des Études classiques (Namur) and co-director of the editorial board of the journal Les Études classiques.
- Member of the Association Professeur Marcel Hoc pour l'encouragement de la recherche en numismatique (Louvain-la-Neuve).
- Foreign correspondent member of the Société française de numismatique.
- Full member of the Société française d'études épigraphiques sur Rome et le monde romain.
- Full member of the Société d'études latines de Bruxelles (Latomus) and member of the editorial board of the journal Latomus. Journal of Latin studies.
- PhD in Languages and Letters (with the ‘European doctorate’ label), Université catholique de Louvain, 2010.
- Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur in Classical Languages and Literatures, Université catholique de Louvain, 2006.
- Degree in Classical Languages and Literature, Université catholique de Louvain, 2005.
- Candidature in Classical Languages and Literature, Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix (Namur), 2003.
Prize of the 2011 Annual Competition of the Class of Letters and Moral and Political Sciences of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium.
Explication d'auteurs latins A [LCLAB003]
Explication d'auteurs latins B [LCLAB011]
Explication d'auteurs latins C [LCLAB012]
Histoire de la littérature latine [LCLAB209]
Initiation à la langue latine [LCLAB009]
Langue latine I [LCLAB102]
Lecture de textes latins [LCLAB007]
Explication d'auteurs latins B [LCLAB011]
Explication d'auteurs latins C [LCLAB012]
Explication d'auteurs latins A [LCLAB003]
Histoire de la littérature latine [LCLAB209]
Initiation à la langue latine [LCLAB009]
Langue latine I [LCLAB102]
Lecture de textes latins [LCLAB007]
Préséminaire de recherche : Antiquité [LCLAB213]
Explication d'auteurs latins A [LCLAB003]