Anne-Sophie COLLARD



Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Social Sciences and Management

Director of the Communication and Internet Unit of the Centre de Recherche Information, Droit et Société, (CRIDS, UNamur)

Research institutes

Research center


Conseil de faculté - Vice-Doyen/Vice-Doyenne
Décanat - Vice-Doyen/Vice-Doyenne
Bureau de faculté - Vice-Doyen/Vice-Doyenne

Domains of expertise

  • Digital media skills
  • Critical technology education
  • ICT-supported collaborative practices
  • Analysis of communication teaching

External responsibilities

  • Associate member of the Groupe de Recherche en Médiation des Savoirs (GReMS, UCL)
  • Associate member of the Laboratoire d'Etude sur les Médias et la Médiation (Lemme, ULg)
  • Member of the Conseil Supérieur de l'Education aux Médias (CSEM)
  • UNamur representative at the Ecole doctorale en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication (FRS-FNRS)
  • Guest lecturer at the Université Saint-Louis - Brussels (as part of my position at UNamur)
  • Participation in the Master in Transmedia Architecture
  • Participation in the Certificate “Collection, transmission and valorization of intangible cultural heritage” (2015-2016 and 2016-2017)


  • 2008 - PhD in information and communication - UCL
  • 2003 - DEA in Communication - UCL
  • 2000 - Bachelor's degree in information and communication - UCL
  • 1998 - Candidate in social sciences: information and communication - UCL




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