Learning outcomes

At the end of their apprenticeship, the student will be able to:
  • Integrate into a teaching team in a secondary school.
  • Propose and present a sequence of lessons to a high school class.
  • Adapt their methodology to different teaching conditions.
  • Manage a laboratory session.
  • Evaluate learning in a manner that is both formative and summative.


This discipline has several objectives:
  • Preparing and delivering physics courses effectively under the supervision of internship supervisors.
  • Cultivating an appropriate reflective attitude towards teaching practices.
  • Sharing the experiences gained during the observation and active internships.
  • Developing a professional awareness in the field of teaching practices.


This activity is divided into three parts:
  • Observation period (10 hours): This internship is carried out in the school where the student will conduct her first part of the teaching internship.
  • Teaching internship period (30 hours): Ideally, this internship is carried out in both streams (transition and qualification) of secondary education. The student prepares lessons based on the contents developed in the course of didactics and epistemology of physics. Subsequently, they submit these lessons to the tutors and the didactics teacher for approval, and finally, implement them during the courses.
  • Seminars (5 hours): Students share their experiences during the observation and active internship with their classmates and didactic teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons and preparations are discussed with the internship supervisors according to competency-based pedagogy. The didactics teacher supervises one or more lessons during the active internship.

Assessment method

During the teaching internship, each lesson is evaluated in a formative manner by the training supervisor. At the end of this period, each training supervisor (minimum two) assigns a score based on a common evaluation grid. Upon completion of the internship period, students construct their portfolios according to the standards and criteria presented by the didactics teacher. The grades can be adjusted based on the assessment provided by the didactics teacher during their supervision and analysis of the portfolio.

Sources, references and any support material

Physics textbooks related to the physics curriculum

Language of instruction
