Learning outcomes

This course has two objectives:

(i) introduce the basics of probability theory, including a study of the main concepts of discrete and continuous probability

(ii) present the basic elements of inferential statistics : sampling distributions, punctual parametric estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, chi-square tests, etc.

A final chapter of regression models will also be included.



At the end of the course, the student will be able to define and use many random variables. He/she will also be able to analyze parametric (sampling) models, define parameter estimators, and construct and interpret hypothesis tests.


This course aims to getting the student familiar with the statistical thinking. The first part of the course deals with probability theory. The second part will deal with statistical inference. It focuses on estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and regression.


Teaching methods

The course will be divided in two parts.

The first one, entirely consisting of lectures, will be on probability theory. There will be no exercices for that part.

In 2024-2025, the teaching methods for the second part of the course will depend on the number of registrations. This second part will be accompanied by slides. Exercise sessions will accompany the course.


Assessment method

The exam will be in two parts. The written part is entirely on the statistical content of the course. The oral part is dedicated to the probability part of the course.

Details concerning the evaluation method are specified on the French language version of the descriptive sheet.

Sources, references and any support material

Syllabus and/or slides available on Webcampus.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Physics Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Physics Standard 3 3