Learning outcomes

The main objective is to familiarize the students with statistical inference techniques (estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, and regression models).
The second objective is more practical: the students will have to be able to understand the quantitative tools (including the use of computer software) used to solve problems in the social sciences.


After a brief introduction to the concepts of a parameter, an estimator and statistical inference, the course gives an introduction to simple and multiple linear regression models. Multicollinearity and specification issues are discussed. Special attention is given to binary variables.

Teaching methods

  • Ex-cathedra course during which theory and examples are presented (7 sessions).
  • Exercise sessions during which concepts, tools and methods are applied using R.
  • Reading scientific articles using statistical methods.

Assessment method

3-hour exam consisting of two parts:
  • a practical part using R software on the interpretation and practice of regression models;
  • a theoretical part with questions on statistical theory and on the scientific articles.

Language of instruction
