Learning outcomes

After this course, the student should be able to:
  • Define the practice of "strategic management", its actors, its key elements
  • Define the strategic management process, its different stages, its objectives, as well as the difficulties related to this activity
  • Understand what strategic decisions entail, what procedures can be used to solve unstructured problems
  • Understand the link betwen strategic management models and theories and the decision making
  • Provide conceptual and / or technical solutions to strategic management issues in any organization
  • Addressing the strategy problem with a critical view: understanding which strategic management tools are the most appropriate, targeting the strengths and weaknesses of the different theories studied during the lecture
  • Adopt a human view of the strategic management process and assimilate the basic concepts of ethical and responsible management


Various traditionnal strategic models are covered. Methodological tools for diagnosis, analysis, choice and strategic deployment are also taught. The role of consultant and strategic manager, good communication and relational practices in a negotiation framework, case studies of strategic successes and failures, the concepts of culture, identity and organizational image, the notion of leadership (principles of psychodynamic leadership), the notions of limited rationality, action and sensemaking are some of the other topics also discussed in this course.


Part I - Foundations of the Strategy
Part II - Unstructured decision making
Part III - Diagnosis of the company and its environment
Part IV - Strategic Formulation
Part V - Prioritization and Strategic Implementation

Teaching methods

Classical "ex-cathedra" sessions in which key concepts of strategic management are presented, and practical cases are discussed. More practical sessions are also organized, where students are central actors of in the classroom and are invited to participate proactively with the professor. These sessions are also an opportunity for students to exchange their observations, to advance on their group work or to ask the teacher some probing questions.

Assessment method

The grade is based at 100% on a strategic decision making project assignment. In a first part of the assignment, students are invited to develop a full strategic analysis of a company, ranging for the strategic diagnosis and problem statement to the proposition of a new/revised strategy. In a second part, students are invited to pee-review the work of the other groups, applying the concepts seen in class. 

Language of instruction
