Learning outcomes

Develop a research project on a targeted subject.


The aim of this teaching unit is to enable some particularly bright or creative mathematics undergraduates to have more rapid contact with the research carried out at our naXys interdisciplinary centre, without waiting for their dissertations and masters degrees.


Projects are published at the beginning of the academic year. Students interested in a project send a letter of motivation to the academic in charge and to the programme manager. Students are selected on the basis of all their applications: motivation, academic background, ability to work independently, previous involvement in such a project, etc.

Teaching methods

Learning takes place mainly through research and interaction with the project leaders.

Assessment method

Depending on the project, the assessment will be based on the written work and/or an oral presentation of the results.

Sources, references and any support material

Function of the selected project

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Mathematics Standard 0 10