Learning outcomes

Eigenmodes of complex systems to describe the dynamics of a molecular system in terms of normal vibration modes.

The absorption of light (infrared) by molecules and the link with the atmospheric greenhouse effect.

Light as an electromagnetic wave, its interaction with matter and thermal radiation.

Quantum description of light and matter (quanton).


Provide elements of physics which make the link between general physics and mathematics courses (B1) and training in chemistry (natural modes and molecular vibration modes, electromagnetism and light, quantum chemistry).


The first part of the course is devoted to the dynamics of coupled systems. Molecular vibration modes are modeled by coupled harmonic systems (based on the B1 mechanics course) through the examples of diatomic and triatomic molecules. A generalization to more complex systems is presented. The CO2 molecule is more particularly addressed in connection with its importance in the atmospheric greenhouse effect.

The second part is devoted to light modeled as an electromagnetic wave based on the concepts seen in electricity (B1). The interaction of light with matter is presented and the electrical and magnetic response functions are described. Finally, the thermal radiation of a body is analyzed (black body).

The third part is an introduction to quantum mechanics. The concepts of quanta and wave function are introduced. The Heisenberg uncertainty relations and the Schrödinger equation are given. The course ends with the resolution of simple problems of quantum mechanics (1D part-constant potential).

Table of contents

1. Eigenmodes of coupled systems: Reminders (Force, energy, Newton's laws) - Coulomb potential (simple, screened, ionic solid (Madelung)) ) - Interatomic potential and harmonic approximation - Generalized coordinates and degrees of freedom - Eigenmodes of molecular vibrations ) - The atmospheric greenhouse effect (1)

2. Light as an electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic waves as a solution to Maxwell's equations - Plane waves and polarization - Light-matter interaction - Thermal radiation - The atmospheric greenhouse effect (2)

3. Quantum physics: Photons and quantons - The wave packet and Heisenberg's inequalities - Postulates of quantum physics - Applications to the 1D potential (quantization and tunneling effect)

Teaching methods

Lecture. Exercise sessions (TPs/TDs) with student participation.

Assessment method

Oral exam (theory and exercises) with written preparation in session.

The distribution is 2/3 of the final grade for the theoretical part and the remaining 1/3 for the exercises (TPs/TDs).

Sources, references and any support material


Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Chemistry Standard 0 4
Bachelor in Chemistry Standard 2 4