Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, student will be able to:

- Identify the main perspectives organizing the field of organizational diagnosis;

- Situate the role of organizational theories in providing a diagnosis ;

- Interpret organizations as social, spatial, temporal and technical structures within which social dynamics vectoring organizational, managerial and human issues are at play.

- Identify the main paradigms allowing to understand and to interpret the reality of organizations ;

- Expand methodological skills – observation and analysis – starting from theory to organize and implement a study in an organization;

- Interpret data from the field in a rigorous, analytical, critical and reflective manner.



The course aims to provide the theoretical, conceptual and empirical bases to approach the field of organization theory in management sciences and social sciences. It also aims to provide students with methodological and analytical tools (diagnosis) allowing them to understand organizations.

The goal is to stimulate students’ analytical skills while providing them with applicable knowledge for their professional future.


The objectives are fourfold:

1. Situate the field of organizational theory and its different perspectives;

2. Identify organizational stakeholders and their dynamics in time and space and around technologies;

3. Determine the functioning of organizations (diagnostic approach);

4. Interpret organizational and managerial phenomena through critical analysis.



The course is organized around the presentation of different paradigms, perspectives and approaches. From this, organizations are re-examined from different angles allowing to identify their complexity.

Table of contents

More specifically, the course will be organized around five main stages:

1. Organizational theory: definitions, concepts, contexts

2. Logics, configurations and images of the organization

3. The organization and its environment

4. The organization as a dynamic social structure

5. The organization as a spatial, temporal and technological structure


Assessment method

A written exam composed a few multiple choice propositions, open questions, reflection or application questions relating to different concepts seen during the course will assess the learning outcomes.


Students will carry out group work for 40% of the final grade.


Sources, references and any support material

- Hatch, M.-J. & A. Cunliffe (2009) Théorie des organisations, De l’intérêt dePerspectives multiples (2è édition). Bruxelles: De Boeck, coll. Manager RH

- Morgan, G. (1999). Images de l’organisation. De Boeck Université. Coll. Management

- Pichault, F. & Nizet, J. (2001). Introduction à la théorie des configurations. Du one best way à la diversité organisationnelle. De Boeck, coll. Management

- Taskin, L. et Dietrich, A. (2024) Management humain : Pour une approche renouvelée de la GRH et du comportement organisationnel (Manager RH), De Boeck supérieur : Bruxelles.

- Terssac (de) G. (eds.), (2003), La Théorie de la régulation sociale de Jean--'Daniel Reynaud, Paris, La Découverte.

- Palpacuer, F., Taskin, L. & Gomez, P.Y. (2022). L’entreprise comme communauté. Nouvelle Cité.

- Vaujany (de), F.X., (2023). Organization as Time. Technology, Power and Politics. Cambridge University Press


Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelier en sciences économiques et de gestion Standard 0 5
Bachelier en sciences économiques et de gestion Standard 3 5