Learning outcomes

The location and the form of this research experience are selected by the supervisor of the master thesis and the responsible for the UE.


  • Discover and get used to a new research environment, out of UNamur
  • Develop autonomy and scientific maturity
  • Handle a personnal research project
  • Get familiar with the researcher career in a specific area


The research experience can take different forms. The student will be sent in one or several research centers, or could participate to activities in schools or colloquia, for a total duration equivalent to 3 months out of UNamur. A host, external to UNamur, will be identified for each part of the project. The proposed activities will be endorsed by the UE responsible, with a special attention to the respect of the objectives and the balance between the different students.

Table of contents




Teaching methods


Assessment method

The final mark is based on 4 elements :

  1. the scientific report of the stage, to be delivered at the same dates as the Master theses, describing the precise objectives, the selected methods and the final results; this report has a length between 30 and 100 pages (without the annexes). It could be presented as a supplementary clearly identified chapter in the Master thesis, or as a separated document, following the circunstances and thematics. The results will be defended during an oral and public defense, just after the Master thesis ou at a different date, if the Master thesis is not presented the same year or  during the same session. The jury will be the same as for the Master thesis in the first case, and specifically designated in the second case.
  2. the evaluation reports (grid) of the different hosts
  3. the stage story, of maximum 10 pages, centered on the circunstances and conditions of the research stays, and on a critical analysis of the difficulties and benefits, to be sent 2 weeks before the deliberation of the session to the responsible of the UE.
  4. the opinion of the supervisor of the Master thesis

Sources, references and any support material


Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master in Mathematics, Research focus Standard 0 18
Master in Mathematics, Research focus Standard 2 18