Learning outcomes

With this course, students will obtain an in depth view of the financing of corporates as well as the maximization of their value. 


This course deals with issues related to the financing of corporates as well as the maximization of their value. In this respect, particular emphasis will be given to the venture capital dynamics and the financing of innovation. Investments aimed at increasing the firm value (e.g. M&A or IPOs) will also be discussed thoroughly.

Teaching methods

Lectures and readings (PowerPoint slides and reading list available on Webcampus). Case reports. 

Assessment method

A written exam will be organised in June and in August. A case report, for the part devoted to the venture capital analysis, is due that represents 20% of the final grade (see Webcampus for details). 

Sources, references and any support material

Financial Theory and Corporate Policy: Pearson New International Edition, 4th Edition, T. Copeland, J. Weston and K. Shastri
Venture Capital & the Finance of Innovation, A. Metrick & A. Yasuda, Wiley

Language of instruction
