Learning outcomes

At the end of this course, the student should be able to:

• Use basic and advanced functions in the R software to process a dataset from its import to the export of advanced graphics;

• Write an operational script to apply advanced data import, manipulation, visualisation and analysis functions with the R language;

• Appropriately use vocabulary relating to computer science concepts and, in particular, the R language.

• Create documents in Rmarkdown.



The objective of the course is to provide the tools for future scientists to import, manipulate, visualise and analyse datasets using R software.


The student acquires the skills covered by the course by working on exercises structured as projects.  In executing the project, the student is required to answer a series of specially constructed questions in order to exercise these skills. An example of a project is presented in the theory course and is used to teach the students how R works and the basic principles of programming. During the practical sessions, students work independently and can ask the assistants for help. 

Table of contents

The course is structured around the following points:

• Reminder of basic functions in R

• Main steps in processing a dataset

• Use of advanced functions

• Tips for building good graphs and tables in R

• Application examples

• Solving exercises independently


The exercises follow a project style, where students perform a series of analyses, of increasing complexity, with the same data set.


Teaching methods

A large part of the face-to-face course (auditorium hours and practical work) takes place at the beginning of the term. The student is expected to work on his/her own for the rest of the term. During the practical work, the student is required to use the basic functions of the R software but also to learn new ones. To do this, they must consult the course, the software's help sections and the online resources (tutorials, courses, forums, etc.). 

Assessment method

The evaluation takes place during the exam session. The exam is divided into two parts. The first part is done without internet access, but with access to course notes and R help. During the second part the students have access to the internet but they cannot communicate with each other.

Sources, references and any support material

Material on webcampus and online resources


Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Geology Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Biology Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Geography : General Standard 0 2
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine Standard 2 2
Bachelor in Biology Standard 2 2
Bachelor in Geography : General Standard 2 2
Bachelor in Geology Standard 2 2