IRDENA Study and Exchange Day - Committed Students, Living Knowledge: The New Educational Paradigm
In an ever-changing world, education is constantly reinventing itself. On October 28, 2024, IRDENA invites you to an exceptional day dedicated to redefining the modern educational landscape.
The University of Namur is pleased to invite you to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Astronomical ObservatoryAntoine Thomas s.j. on Saturday, October 12, 2024.
XVIII International Workshop on Artificial Life and Environmental Computation WIVACE 2024
Organized by the naXys Institute, the 2024 WIVACE workshop aims at bringing together researchers to present and share their results and ideas in a multidisciplinary context.
The physicochemistry of parchment and inks - experimental and historical approaches.
Residential colloquium-workshop at the Haugimont estate on the subject of the physicochemistry of parchment and inks from experimental and historical approaches.
Gray-Scott Summer School on High-Performance Computing
The Gray-Scott School is a free summer school, in French, on supercomputing organized by the Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP). A retransmission of the school with accompaniment is planned at UNamur.
CHITEL 2024 - Congress of Theoretical Chemists of Latin Expression
The Congress of Theoretical Chemists of Latin Expression (Chimistes Théoriciens d'Expression Latine), whose acronym is alternatively spelt CHITEL or QUITEL, is an annual and historic meeting dedicated to theoretical chemistry.
The 12th "Musiques à tous les étages" edition of the Fête de la Musique will take place in Namur: 2 days of musical itineraries in the heart of Namur. As part of this itinerary, let yourself be surprised and (re)discover the highly original "eLANGo presents Orphée" project at Quai 22.
The Rector of the University of Namur informs that Mr Doux BARAKA KUSINZA will publicly defend his dissertation for the title of Doctor in Economic Sciences and Management..
Chill&Sciences | From viruses to space, it's mathematical!
Participate in scientific culture meetings with researchers and experts in a relaxed atmosphere. Discuss research topics, topical issues and civic issues with the speakers.
For the first time in Namur, fifteen museum, cultural, heritage and scientific institutions are opening their doors together, for the duration of a nocturne from 6pm to midnight, offering free admission and/or activities.