The program

2:00 pm | Keynote lecture on the use of AI in research - Hugues BERSINI, Professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles: "Can science be just data driven?"

3:00 pm | Presentations by UNamur researchers

  • 3:00 pm | Catherine Guirkinger: Use of AI in an economic history project
  • 3:15 pm | Nicolas Roy (PI: Alexandre Mayer): AI at the service of innovation in photonics and optics: revealing the secrets of scrolls through the classification of animal species
  • 15:25 | Nemanja Antonic (PI: Elio Tuci): An in silico representation of C. elegans collective behaviour
  • <15h35 | Nicolas Franco : The benefits and dangers of "predicting the future" with covid-like machine learning models
  • 15h45 | Michel Ajzen : Managerial and human implications of AI in organizations
  • <15h55 | Robin Ghyselinck (PI : Bruno Dumas) : Deep Learning for endoscopy: towards next generation computer-aided diagnosis
  • 4:05 pm | Auguste Debroise (PI : Guilhem Cassan) : LLMs to measure the importance of stereotypes within gender representations in Hollywood films
  • 16h15 | Gabriel Dias De Carvalho : Learning practices in physics using generative AI
  • 16h25 | Sébastien Dujardin (PI : Catherine Linard) : Where Geography meets AI: A case study on mapping online flood conversations
  • 16h35 | Jeremy Dodeigne : LLMs in SHS: revolutionary tools in a Wild West Territory? Reflections on costs, transparency and open science
  • 16h45 | Antoinette Rouvroy : Governing AI in Democracy

17h00 | Keynote lecture on ethics and guidelines to consider when using AI in research projects and writing research articles - Bettina BERENDT, Professor at KU Leuven

18h00 | Benoît Frenay and Michaël Lobet : Creation of an IA scientific committee at UNamur

18:10 | Drink

A certificate of attendance, worth 0.5 cross-disciplinary doctoral training credits, will be issued on request. Contact:

This event is free of charge, but registration is required.