Learning outcomes

The course develops on the one hand skills such as knowledge mastery, reasoning, scientific rigor and personal development. On the other hand, given the international nature of the course (see objective section), the course also works on the other skills of the skills framework, namely acting as a socially responsible actor, communicating, acting in an international and multicultural context and, finally, working in a team and exercising team leadership.



The Customer Relationship Management - International experience course is part of a new Erasmus international short mobility offer proposed by the European Union, namely the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP). It consists in offering a course of at least 30 hours in several partner institutions, course taught by academics from these institutions.

The BIP "Customer Relationship Management - International experience" is offered by the following institutions: htw saar University of Applied Science (Germany), University of Namur (Belgium), LIUC Business School (Italy), HAMK University (Finland).

Concretely, the participating students follow part of the course remotely (via Teams) and part of the course in person (one week) in one of the partner institutions. In 23-24, the following professors were involved: Prof. Tatjana König (htw saar University of Applied Science, Germany), Amélie Lachapelle (University of Namur, Belgium), Chiara Mauri (LIUC Business School, Italy), Faisal Shahzad (HAMK University, Finland) and Pietro Zidda (University of Namur, Belgium).

The face-to-face week took place at the LIUC Business School in Italy.

To participate to the BIP, candidates from each institution must fill in a form and write a motivation letter. More information are provided to the students during the course presentations at the begining of the academic year.



The Customer Relationship Management - International experience course aims to provide students with keys to understanding the principles, techniques and practices of customer relationship management (CRM) and customer experience management (CEM), namely appreciating the complexity of customer valuation, collecting and managing relational data, identifying and targeting the most profitable customers, their satisfaction and loyalty. It also aims to share the enthusiasm for the organizational, technological and strategic challenges faced by companies implementing CRM and customer experience management solutions.

The topics and themes covered in the course are:

  • Definitions of CRM and customer experience and principles and concepts of customer relationship management (trust, engagement, acquisition, development, satisfaction, retention, loyalty, etc.)
  • Data management: management of touchpoints, collection, organization and storage of relational data, reporting, data quality and privacy
  • Technological aspects: information technology, business intelligence, processes
  • Analytical aspects: CRM performance indicators and metrics, customer segmentation, customer lifetime value, RFM methods, predictive approaches, etc.

Operational and organizational aspects are also covered: process integration, multichannel strategies, CRM software and campaign management.



Table of contents

Example of the table of contents

  • Introduction: Course outline, birth of the experience economy
  • Intro to the case + Challenges, Formation of Groups + Assignment of Challenges to groups
  • Customer experience and customer journey: from multichannel to omnichannel customer management
  • From experience economy to customer experience management
  • Measurement of customer experience
  • Customer data for CEM/CRM and legal aspects: how to council with GDPR?
  • Design of a customer experience
  • Status quo cases (short group presentations) & Company presentation : Performance of customer loyalty programs – a cross country perspective
  • From CEM to CRM: An overview of relational constructs
  • CRM in practice: Software implementation and CRM campaigns
  • Essentials of customer psychology and satisfaction
  • The impact of customer experience management on business performance
  • Customer value and retention strategies
  • e-CRM, reviews and e-WOM
  • CRM Analytics I: Basic approaches
  • CRM Analytics II: Advanced approaches


Teaching methods

The course is taught by a team of academics from partner institutions (see objectives section).

The course alternates

  • Presentation in class, remotely or in person (learn)
  • Discussion around scientific and/or professional articles (discern)
  • Exercises and case studies (reflect and implement)
  • Presentations by practitioners (discover)

and emphasizes interactions between students and professors through discussions, examples, exercises, etc.

Throughout the term, students work on a project (e.g. development of a CRM and/or CEM strategy for a company) and are coached by each of the teachers. Each team presents its analyses and recommendations at the end of the term.

The course also includes company visits and cultural activities during the week in person (e.g. Ferrero and Cometa in 22-23, Lavazza and La Scala in Milan in 23-24).


Assessment method

The assessment of students is undertaken on the basis of a project to be carried out in a team (throughout the term) and an oral presentation (at the end of the week in person). The teams are formed in a multicultural way by associating students from all institutions within each team.


Sources, references and any support material

Course slides are available before each class on the WebCampus platform (according to the partner institution organizing the BIP). Slides constitute the course book notes.

The recommended reference books are :

  • Kumar, V., Reinartz, W. (2018). Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools. 2nd Edition. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
  • Kumar, V., Petersen, A. J. (2012). Statistical Methods in Customer Relationship Management. Chechester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.


Language of instruction
