De Vlaamse/Nederlandse bedrijfswereld - interculturaliteit
- UE code EELVB281
30Quarter 1 + Quarter 2
- ECTS Credits 3
At the end of the course, students should be able to :
demonstrate mastery of basic and thematic grammar and vocabulary (level B1+) in tests, demonstrate mastery in reception activities (reading, listening), and use them in production activities (writing, speaking).
read a text and extract overall or detailed information from it/explain its content/demonstrate comprehension by means of an explanation in French or an oral or written summary in Dutch.
apply reading techniques/strategies to improve comprehension of written messages.
listen to an audio extract and extract global or detailed information/explain the content/demonstrate comprehension by means of an explanation in French or an oral or written summary in Dutch.
apply listening techniques/strategies to improve comprehension of spoken messages.
express themselves orally on subjects related to the world of work in Flanders and the Netherlands;
report on and discuss press articles in one-to-one interviews with a teacher;
go and meet Dutch speakers in a Flemish or Dutch town; carry out various challenges.
give a final presentation on the results of the visit to Flanders or the Netherlands.
write texts (descriptions, comparisons, opinions) on the economic, social and political situation in Flanders and the Netherlands;
write a group report on the challenges faced in the Dutch or Flemish city.
The EELVB 281 course aims to achieve level B1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in all skills, with the following main objectives:
Emphasis on acquiring knowledge about the world of work in Flanders and the Netherlands and interculturality through written and oral documents, and oral presentations made by the students;
revision and extension of grammar (level B1+) and thematic vocabulary related to the subjects covered in the course;
application of grammar and vocabulary in the various skills, at the desired level: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, written expression, oral expression (with or without interaction);
discovering Dutch-speaking culture through various challenges in a Flemish or Dutch town;
development of :
critical and argumentative thinking ;
independent learning (in general, and learning Dutch in particular);
certain cross-curricular skills: stress management, communication, deadline management, etc.
Learning will take place through activities linked to the world of work in Flanders and the Netherlands: reading texts, listening to videos/audio extracts, oral and writing exercises, discovery of Dutch-speaking culture.
The course will also include the completion of various challenges in a Flemish or Dutch town and the reporting of these.
In Q2, students will have to produce a presentation related to the world of work in groups of 2-3 students.
In addition to the course, each student will meet with a teacher once a term to assess oral and reading/listening skills (see specific instructions in "Een Portie Nederlands in je Rugzak"):
Students will also be required to revise/learn grammar at the expected level (B1+), as well as thematic vocabulary.
Most of the materials will be available on Webcampus.
The course will be based, among other things, on the principle of the flipped classroom: students prepare materials (texts, videos) and exercises (oral, written) and, during the course, the teacher will shed additional light on language comprehension as well as oral and written techniques. Students' presence and active participation are therefore absolutely essential for the course to run smoothly.
Classes will take place for two hours every fortnight. Students are placed in groups of no more than thirty.
Students will be asked to work in groups to discover new cultures, at the end of which a written report and a presentation will be assessed.
Particular attention will be paid to the pleasure of learning, based in particular on fun activities offered to students on a voluntary basis.
In order to provide students with the best possible support, all students must complete an EAP survey. This is available on Webcampus. Please answer all 3 questions by Sunday 29 September.
Continuous work/regular learning is essential for the success of this course.
Production skills will be assessed mainly during and at the end of the year: oral expression, written expression.
Receptive skills (reading, listening) will be practised during the year through production activities.
During the year, 4 tests will be organised to check mastery of grammar and vocabulary:
Q1 :
test 1 (online, strongly recommended but optional)
test 2 (face-to-face)
Q2 :
test 3 (online, strongly recommended but optional)
test 4 (face-to-face)
Students will discover Dutch-speaking culture during a visit to a Flemish or Dutch town. They will have to carry out various activities and report on them in a written document, which they will defend orally on the day of the exam.
In order to develop autonomy in their learning, students are advised to continue to keep a learning diary ('Carnet de Bord') in which they will describe their efforts and initiatives and report on their investment in improving their learning of Dutch during the year (see Block 1 course).
Any part not submitted or any unjustified absence from any part of the assessment will prevent us from calculating the student's mark and will result in a mark of 1/20 for the whole course.
However, for the August session, if the overall average for the course is less than 10/20, each student will only represent those parts of the course for which they have not obtained 10/20. Students who arrive late in the year due to a change of direction will be required to present the parts they were unable to attend in the second session.
Points awarded :
Continuous assessment (65%) :
Portie Nederlands (20%) :
Q1 (5 %)
Q2 (15 %)
Written and oral tasks during the year* (25%)
Comparison of two companies + various oral exercises: 10
Written expression exercises: 15
Gram/voc test Q1 and Q2 (20%)
City project (35%)
Dossier on the City (entry requirement for the oral exam) (15%)
June oral exam: Final presentation of the dossier, by group + discussion (20%)
* The student's overall commitment to the course will be assessed. For some tasks, the teacher will simply look at whether or not the task has been completed. In other cases, a more detailed assessment will be carried out. These assessments may involve both oral and written skills and will be assessed either individually, in pairs or in groups.
Students who opt for extra support with Mme Schoonbroodt will be awarded half a bonus point out of 20 if they have properly fulfilled their commitments (one prepared meeting per term, keeping a logbook on a regular basis).
Warning : please note that the success of this teaching unit does not lead to certification.
The course materials (texts and videos) will be available online on Webcampus.
"Evolutieve en contrastieve Grammatica" (Deel 1: Theorie en voorbeelden, Deel 2: Oefeningen) + additional exercises online, on Webcampus.
Vocabulary :
Thematic vocabulary for all the texts and videos seen.
"Expressing yourself in Dutch - Conversation help
Tips for revising basic grammar:
book: la pratique du néerlandais de A à Z (Didier Hatier)*
book: Nederlandse Oefenbijbel (Didier Hatier)*
*The above materials are available in bookshops.
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Bachelor in Political Sciences : General | Standard | 0 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Business Engineering | Standard | 0 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Information and Communication | Standard | 0 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Law | Standard | 0 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Economics and Management | Standard | 0 | 3 | |
Master in Mathematics, Professional focus in Project Engineering | Standard | 0 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Business Engineering | Standard | 2 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Information and Communication | Standard | 2 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Law | Standard | 2 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Economics and Management | Standard | 2 | 3 | |
Master in Mathematics, Professional focus in Project Engineering | Standard | 2 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Political Sciences : General | Standard | 2 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Law | Standard | 3 | 3 |