Learning outcomes

Understand how simple elecgtronic circuits work

Assermble and test simple electronic cicuits

Simulate electronic circuits using computer software

Communicate results from eperiments or simulations effectively


Understand how simple elecgtronic circuits work

Assermble and test simple electronic cicuits



AC currecnt in passive circuits (description using complex numbers)

Passive filters

dB unit

Amplitiude modulation

Thevenin and Norton models of power sources

Semiconductor pn junction: electrostatics, I-V curves, junction capacitance, simple diode circuits)

Field effect transistors (principle, small signal amplifier)

Bipolar transistor tprinciple, small signal amplifier)

Opreational amplifiers (principle, feedback, use as ampmlifiers, non-linear cicruits)

Introduction to logic circuits

Teaching methods

Lectures, computer simulation of circuits, laboratory

Assessment method

Oral exam + practical exam

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Physics Standard 0 5
Bachelor in Physics Standard 2 5