In general reading comprehension (B2), learners ...
- can read with a high degree of autonomy, adapting reading mode and speed to different texts (authentic, scientific, simplified or not) and purposes, and using appropriate references selectively.
- have a wide and active reading vocabulary, but may have difficulty with less frequent expressions.
In general listening comprehension (B2), the learner can...
- understand standard spoken language, either live or on the radio, on familiar and unfamiliar topics normally encountered in personal, social, academic or professional life. Only very loud background noise, inappropriate speech structure or the use of idiomatic expressions can influence comprehension.
- understand the main ideas of structurally and linguistically complex speeches in a standard language, including technical discussions in their field of specialization, and follow a speech of some length and complex argument, provided the subject is fairly familiar and the general outline of the speech is indicated by explicit markers.
In general oral production (B1+), learners can ...
- explain an event, adding all the necessary details
- describe feelings and reactions.
- explain a problem and suggest solutions.
- develop a sufficiently clear argument and be understood without difficulty most of the time.
- ask questions to verify understanding.
In general oral interaction, learners can...
- initiate a conversation on a familiar topic without preparation.
- express personal opinions and exchange information on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or relevant to everyday life.
- communicate confidently on familiar topics of personal or professional interest.
In general written production, the learner can...
- write simply articulated texts on a range of topics in his/her field, linking a series of elements in a linear sequence.
- report on experience, describing feelings and reactions in simply articulated texts.
- write very brief reports in conventional standard form that convey current factual information and justify actions.
- take notes in the form of a list of key points during a simple talk, provided the subject is familiar, the formulation direct and the diction clear in everyday language.