At the end of the teaching sessions, the student will be able :
In reading comprehension (B2):
- to read with a high degree of autonomy, adapting reading mode and speed to different texts and purposes, and using appropriate references selectively;
- to have a wide and active reading vocabulary, but may have difficulty with less frequent expressions.
In listening comprehension (B2):
- to understand live or broadcast spoken language on familiar and unfamiliar topics normally encountered in personal, social, academic or professional life. Only very loud background noise, inappropriate speech structure or the use of idiomatic expressions can affect understanding.
- to understand the main ideas of complex formal and substantive speeches in standard language, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization, and to follow a speech of some length and a complex argument, provided the topic is fairly familiar and the general outline of the presentation is indicated by explicit markers.
In written production (B2): can produce clear, detailed texts on a variety of subjects related to their field of interest, synthesising and evaluating information and arguments from a number of sources.
In general oral production (B1+):
- to develop a sufficiently clear argument and be understood without difficulty most of the time.
- to check with questions whether he/she has been understood.
In interaction, the student will be able to hold a conversation on familiar/professional topics.