Learning outcomes

The student will be able to
• define the notion of accompaniment from a theoretical point of view
• identify and distinguish the main forms of support from a theoretical point of view and on the basis of their singular expressions
• describe the characteristics of forms of accompaniment using an example from fiction (cinema) and with reference to literature


Targeted competencies ANALYSIS
• Conceptualise the support approach at the interface of different fields in order to
adapting one's actions to the environment
• Analyse different situations at micro, meso and macro levels of personal or professional development and draw out the implications in terms of coaching
• Ensuring the ethical and deontological dimensions of support by understanding the individual, relational and organisational issues
At the end of the learning activity, the student will be able to define the notion of accompaniment, to identify and distinguish its main forms as well as to describe their characteristics, from a theoretical point of view and on the basis of a fictitious and singular example coming from the world of cinema


What is accompaniment? Where does it have its roots? What are its foundations? What are the main forms of support and what are their characteristics? Coaching: history, etymology, principles (Joachim De Stercke)
Forms of support: tutoring, mentoring, coaching, etc. (Joachim De Stercke) Support: a process and a posture (Sephora Boucenna) Support and the relationship with otherness (Sephora Boucenna)
Specificities according to the objects of the support (Sephora Boucenna)
Competence management, work assessment and recognition - understanding HR logics (Nathalie Jeannerod- Dumouchel)
Based on several research experiments conducted over the last decade by Vivien Braccini in the context of the popular education association network, the network of socio-cultural centres, the network of osteopathy training schools, Ephad, etc., which combine the aims of understanding, training and change, we will examine the way in which research can be used as a support tool when it is concerned with learning situations, in particular by using an entry point based on activity. This perspective will lead to an ecosystemic vision of the development of individuals, groups and their organisations

Teaching methods

Theory: lecture, formative dialogue, group discussion, article analysis, role-playing Practical work: film analysis, self-study

Assessment method

The students are asked to produce a written dossier in accordance with the instructions of the practical work carried out within the framework of the learning activity, i.e. the analysis of an illustrated accompaniment through a cinematographic work by mobilising the resources seen within the framework of the course.

Sources, references and any support material

Becquet, V., & Corond, M. (2017). L'accompagnement social et éducatif: Quelles modalités pour quelles finités? Paris
Boucenna, S. (2020). Accompaniment in the school environment and the crisis of the school: what does the cinema say? In A. Derobertmasure, M. Demeuse, & M. Bocquillon (Eds.), L'école à travers le cinéma. Ce que les films nous disent sur le système éducatif: Mardaga.
Charlier, E., & Biémar, S. (2012). Accompagner : un agir professionnel. Brussels: De Boeck.
De Stercke, J., De Lièvre, B. & Temperman, G. (2011). Mentoring in teaching: Which mentors for beginning secondary school teachers? European University Publishing: Saarbücken.
Feiman-Nemser, S. (2001). Helping Novices Learn to Teach. Lessons from an Exemplary Support Teacher. Journal of Teacher Education, 52(1), 17-30.
Guay, M-M. (2002). Some clarifications... mentoring versus coaching. Revue Échange, 16(3), 7-8. Malderez, A., & Bodoczky, C. (2009). How to practice quality mentoring? Brussels: De Boeck.
Mukamurera, J., Martineau, S., Bouthiette, M. & Ndoreraho, J.P. (2013). Teacher induction programs in Quebec school boards: A portrait and appreciation of the actors. Education et Formation, e-299. Online: http://ute3.umh.ac.be/revues/include/download.php?idRevue=17&idRes=155 . Accessed on 05/01/2016.
Paul, M. (2009). Around the word: accompaniment. Recherche et formation, 62, 91-107.
Paul, M. (2016). La démarche d'accompagnement: Repères méthodologiques et ressources théoriques. Brussels: De Boeck.
Portner, H. (2008, 3rd ed.). Mentoring new teachers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Vial, M., & Caparros-Mencacci, N. (2011, 3rd ed.). L'accompagnement professionnel ? A method for educational practitioners. Brussels: De Boeck (Charlier & Biémar, 2012)

Language of instruction
