7. DNA damage and repair
Nature of DNA damage
chemical modifications of bases (altered bases, missing bases)
Oxidation of bases
hydrolysis (loss of base)
pyrimidine dimers
base mismatches
‘intra-strand and inter-strand ‘bridging
bridging between DNA and proteins
single- and double-strand breaks in the ribose-phosphate backbone
Causes of DNA damage
spontaneous damage
damage induced by mutagenic ‘agents’ (chemical, UV and ionising radiation)
Ionising radiation
chemical mutagens
the Ames test detects the mutagenic potential of a substance
Repair mechanisms and trans-lesion DNA synthesis (TLS)
Repair of a damaged base
Direct reversal of DNA damage
Base Excision Repair (BER)
Repair of large lesions
Nucleotide excision repair (NER)
Mismatch repair (MMR)
Interstrand cross-link repair (ICL)
Repair of double-strand breaks:
Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ)
Homologous recombination, gene conversion
Clinical consequences of DNA repair defects
8. Cytogenetics and notions of epigenetics
Observation and description of chromosomes (banding)
Chromosomal abnormalities
The different categories of anomalies
Numerical and structural abnormalities
Cytogenetic nomenclature
Balanced and unbalanced abnormalities
New and inherited abnormalities
Causes of aneuploidies
Clinical consequences of anomalies
Autosomal aneuploidies
Causes of Down's syndrome
Sex determination
Sex chromosome abnormalities
Inactivation of the X chromosome
DNA methylation and notions of epigenetics
Sex chromosome abnormalities
Parental chromosome abnormalities
Parental imprinting
Diploidism and uniparental disomy
Causes of Prader-Willy and Angelman syndrome
9. Genome expression: transcription
The initiation complex, transcription factors
Termination and polyadenylation
Splicing of introns
10. Genes in pedigrees and populations
Profiles of Mendelian pedigrees
Complications of Mendelian pedigrees
Genetics of multifactorial traits: the polygenic threshold theory
Factors affecting allele frequencies
use of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in genetic counselling
new mutations, selection, genetic drift
11. Mapping and identification of genes controlling monogenic traits
Positional cloning
Functional cloning
Genome-wide association studies
Genome and exome sequencing
Confirmation of candidate gene.
12. genetic variability in humans and its consequences
Types of variation between individual genomes (SNPs, number of repeated sequences, large-scale variations)
pathogenic DNA variants (missense mutations, nonsense mutations, phase shifts, dynamic mutations)
molecular pathology: understanding the effects of pathogenic variants
loss of function vs gain of function
allelic heterogeneity in loss of function
negative dominant effect
gains of function often affect regulatory circuits
allelic homogeneity is not always linked to a gain of function
13. Molecular biology elements (methods) :
cellular cloning of DNA fragments
nucleic acid hybridisation
Sanger DNA sequencing
Southern blot, Northern blot
transcriptomics using RNA microdammers and RNAseq
CGH array
CRISPR/Cas9 and genome editing (very brief)