On this page, you'll find a report on all the actions and activities initiated at the University of Namur in connection with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal #1: "No Poverty".


Discover all publications related to the sustainable development goal "Decent work and economic growth" on the UNamur research portal.


The theme of sustainable development is emerging as an important element in university training and is one of the priorities of the University of Namur.

Social impact and actions

Institutional initiatives

Employment practices

UNamur holds the "HRS4R" label attesting that the university does indeed apply the 40 principles of the Researcher's Charter and Recruitment Code. More info here.

  • UNamur is committed to paying its employees a decent wage. Salaries follow scales that are public. More info here.
  • Structural teleworking: since the Covid 19 pandemic, teleworking has been implemented structurally.
  • UNamur has two unions that represent and defend employees, the CNE and SETCA.

Fight against discrimination

UNamur has signed the Diversity Charter of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. It has also developed a Gender plan and a gender policy ensuring the fight against discrimination.

More info herei.

The Centre Médico-Psychologique (CMP)

The CMP organizes health promotion activities, aimed at students. In particular, it offers free psychological consultations, help with stress management, a medical consultation, "health and well-being" actions, support for students with special needs, meditation workshops, "methodo" lunchtimes for EBS students...

More info here.

Services d'Aide pour les Enfants et Familles de l'UNamur (Asbl SAPEFUN)

SAPEFUN offers several childcare solutions for staff members' children:

  • the crèche "FUNny" approved by ONE (Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance), which welcomes children aged 0 to 3.
  • the "Club Temps Libre", ONE-approved after-school care and vacation center for children aged 2 1/2 to 8.
  • Sick Child Home Care Service, accessible to children aged 0 to 12, which is currently on hold.

Sports policy

Sports are certainly a form of relaxation, but to be effective, they must take place in a rigorous context. It must promote spontaneity, bodily development, mental and physical balance.

Learn more.