On this page, you will find a report on all the actions and activities initiated at the University of Namur in connection with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #17: "Partnerships for achieving the Goals".
International partnerships
In 2022, UNamur joined the European alliance UNIVERSEH. In all its aspects (science, engineering, economics, business, social sciences and humanities, patenting and innovation, entrepreneurship, science and medicine, art and culture), and through teaching and research, UNIVERSEH will contribute to the European education area, to economic and industrial growth, to solving major societal challenges, and to making the space sector more sustainable, to ensure that the EU remains a world leader in space.
Uniservitate is an organisation whose aim is to promote Service-Learning in Catholic higher education establishments throughout the world. UNamur is one of the thirty universities supported by the Uniservitate network. It therefore benefits from support for the institutionalisation of Service-Learning. This network is organised into 7 regions: Asia and Oceania, Latin America, North America, North-West Europe, South-West Europe, Central-East Europe and the Middle East, and Africa. Each region is chaired by a "responsible" institution, a central hub.
European University Association (EUA)
As a member of the European University Association, the University of Namur takes part in debates and discussions on the role of educational institutions in climate change and sustainability.
Kircher network
The University of Namur was founded in 1831 by the Society of Jesus. The Jesuit values and educational tradition still guide the University today. These include openness, excellence, sustainability and freedom. It is a member of the Kirche network, a network of higher education institutions linked to the Society of Jesus in Europe and the Middle East. The institutions aim to offer a different kind of education. An integral formation of the individual based on the Ignatian charism that promotes four dimensions: utilitas, humanitas, iustitia and, above all, fides.
UNamur institutional services and activities
The International Relations Department: projects, partnerships and networks
Philippines studies project
The University of Namur has been chosen by the Philippine government, along with seven other universities around the world, to promote the various facets of Philippine studies in Belgium and Europe. This programme highlights the collaborations that researchers at the University of Namur have developed with several Filipino universities and researchers. It also contributes to the promotion of Philippine studies at an international level. It includes several themes and activities that will run until June 2023, and is also an opportunity to explore new avenues of collaboration at the academic, cultural and political levels. Read more.
Academic Cooperation
Academic cooperation between Rwanda and Belgium is celebrating 20 years of collaboration and mutual commitment between the universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the University of Rwanda. With the support of the Académie de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur (ARES) and in partnership with the Belgian Development Cooperation, the architects of this cooperation have patiently and tenaciously forged strong links.
The University of Namur has established institutional and faculty agreements with foreign partners. It is also a member of several international associations. More info here.
The networks
- Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
- European University Association (EUA)
- Federation of European Catholic Universities(FUCE)
- International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC)
- International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS)
- UNESCO (Palestinian European American Cooperation in Education)
- OECD Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE)
Le Service Vie de la Communauté Universitaire (Vécu)
Vécu's mission is to inform and welcome students with the aim of helping them to integrate themselves in the university community and blossom during their stay at the university. In the current context, one of UNamur's priorities is to enable students and staff to get involved in civic and community action. Learn more.
Heart of the Forest - UbiCast project
For the past two years, UbiCast, the supplier of the in-auditorium recording solution used at the University of Namur has replaced its end-of-year 'goodies' with participation in reforestation projects. This year, the University of Namur is sponsoring 22 trees located on a project plot in Bolivia.
L'Assemblée Générale des Étudiants (AGE)
UNamur works with the AGE on a number of sustainable development policies. Examples include the widespread use of reusable cups at campus events and biodiversity and conviviality at Bon Pasteur. Learn more about AGE.
Le Forum Universitaire de Coopération Internationale et de Développement (FUCID)
FUCID is a development education NGO active on the Namur campus, offering conferences, awareness-raising trips, etc., with the aim of bringing about lasting individual and collective changes in behaviour and values at the social, economic and environmental levels, and also developing attitudes of citizenship and solidarity. Find out more.
National, regional and provincial partnerships
Sustainable education
UNamur has numerous initiatives in the area of education for sustainable development, in fields as varied as economics, law, computer science, physical, chemical and biological sciences, medical and biomedical sciences, geography, philosophy, history, continuing teacher education, language teaching, North-South cooperation, etc. Learn more about sustainable education.
Journée des Etudiants en Transition
Students were invited to immerse themselves in an exciting day dedicated to the ecological and social transition of youth.

Team mentorship - The career of future PhD holders
Specifically dedicated to future PhD graduates, Team Mentorship is an inter-university programme designed to support junior researchers (First Stage Researcher (R1) in all areas of scientific research in developing and fine-tuning their career plans, whether in the university scientific environment (academic) or outside it, in the private, public and voluntary sectors. Find out more.
In the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB)
The University of Namur, like the 5 other universities in the FWB, is represented on various ARES committees:
- CAR | Commission d'aide à la réussite
- CCD | Commission de la Coopération au Développement
- CDD | Sustainable Development Commission
- CESI | Commission for Inclusive Higher Education
- COFOC | Commission for Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
- COM | Student and Staff Mobility Commission
- COVEDAS | Student Life, Democratisation and Social Affairs Commission
- CRI | International Relations Commission
UNamur, like the 5 other universities of the FWB, is involved in various gender committees and networks:
- Gender contact persons
- Comité Femmes et Sciences
- CoGES | ARES Commission on Gender in Higher Education
- GAS | Gender, Activity and Health Group
- Réseau Sophia | Belgian Gender Studies Network
The Economic, Social and Environmental Council of Wallonia (CESE)
The UNamur is represented in different Poles of the CESE, just like the 5 other universities of the FWB.
The Science Policy Unit: The Science Policy Unit is a consultative body in charge of issuing opinions on science, research and innovation policy at the request of the Walloon Government or on its own initiative. It deals with files concerning science policy, research and innovation in the Walloon Region, at the initiative of the Walloon Government. Find out more.
The Housing Unit: The Housing Unit is a consultative body in charge of giving opinions, making observations, suggestions, proposals or recommendations on housing matters at the request of the Walloon Government or on its own initiative. Learn more.
The Scité Network
Le Confluent des Savoirs (CDS) is the University of Namur centre for scientific culture and the dissemination. Providing accessible knowledge, inviting scientists to bridge the gap between their research and the general public, means creating or restoring a dialogue between science and society and addressing current issues and challenges. The CDS is one of the players in the Réseau Scité: the inter-university network linking the five science dissemination units of the FWB's universities. Learn more.
A space for activities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics in collaboration with different partners active in the Province of Namur (including the University of Namur) with the objective of raising the interest of young people, especially girls, in STEM fields. Find out more.
Local partnerships
Namur Europe Wallonie (NEW)
Namur Europe Wallonie (NEW) is an association of which UNamur is a member and which aims to develop a territorial and institutional marketing policy to promote Namur as the Capital of a creative, collaborative, innovative and sustainable region, and in this context to include it in the appropriate international networks. Learn more.
Get Up Wallonia!
Get up Wallonia! was born out of the emergencies linked to the Covid-19 crisis and aims to prepare the future of the Walloon Region and its citizens. After a citizen consultation in November 2020 and the work of the Task Forces composed of experts in the field, institutional actors and social partners, the Strategic Council submitted its report broken down into 51 actions and 18 measures. Our Rector, Annick Castiaux, is a member of this Strategic Council. Learn more.
City of Namur - CADNamurois
To help define and implement a more environmentally sustainable and socially fair agri-food policy, the City of Namur has set up its Sustainable Agri-Food Council (CADNamurois). The aim of this assembly is to provide a space for dialogue, reflection and proposals on everything related to food and agriculture. It brings together key players in the sector and can also welcome citizens interested in the subject via working groups. UNamur is present in one of them. Learn more.
The Green Deal
With the Green Deal and the collaboration with Happy Hour Market, UNamur is committed to making campus food sustainable and local. UNamur's project kots Biokot (biodiversity), Kotélocal (short circuits) and CoKot (solidarity meals) work in collaboration with the Ceinture Alimentaire Namuroise, Happy Hour Market and Paysansans-Artisans on this same issue.
Reinette & Co
UNamur has a large fruit-growing estate on the Haugimont Estate. This heritage, which will soon be a hundred years old, is a marvellous example of how Man, Animal and Plant have been working together for decades. This orchard-grazed ecosystem is an ancient agro-ecological model that meets many of the environmental, social and climatic challenges of the future. As such, it must be preserved, redeveloped, promoted and used as a laboratory for life, production and awareness-raising. A partnership with Reinette & Co has been set up to achieve these objectives.
Awareness-raising actions
Chaire Notre-Dame de la Paix
Cycle de conférences 2022-2023 | Commons and common good(s): a link for a new model of society?
Conference 2023-2024| 60 years of pacem in terris: is there still a place for peace today?