On this page, you'll find a report on all the actions and activities initiated at the University of Namur in connection with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5: "Gender Equality".

Social impact and actions

Corporate initiatives

The institutional gender policy

UNamur has been fighting against gender discrimination since 2011 with the establishment of the Gender Group and then, in 2013, with the creation of a Vice-Rectorate responsible for developing this policy. The rectoral team intends to assert its determination to maintain voluntary and reasoned policies in this area, and has published various documents attesting to its commitment:

Learn more on the "gender and diversity" page...

UNamur Student Harassment Protection (PHARE)

PHARE is part of a global plan to fight moral, physical or sexual harassment and to fight aggression and violence against UNamur students and doctoral students.
It has three main components: training, awareness-raising and remediation.
PHARE's priority is to act effectively on the remediation aspect, by offering optimal support to victims and witnesses.

More info here...

Whistleblower protection

The European Directive 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23, 2019 on the protection of whistleblowers has been transposed into Belgian law.

Concretely, this law has established a protection framework for whistleblowers, i.e. anyone who would like to report violations of Union law for information acquired in a professional context. Following this directive, UNamur has set up an internal reporting channel for whistleblowers as well as a protection regime by preventing any act of retaliation against the whistleblower.

Support service for the UNamur children and families (asbl SAPEFUN)

The mission of the non-profit organisation "SAPEFUN" is to organise, manage, promote and encourage institutions and services to help children and parents within the Namur university community. It offers the "FUNny" crèche, approved by the ONE (Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance), which welcomes children from 0 to 3 years old and the "Club Temps Libre", an extracurricular reception and holiday centre approved by the ONE for children from 2 1/2 to 8 years old.

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The Women and Girls in Science annual conference

An interdisciplinary group of young researchers at UNamur organises an annual conference to promote access to science and technology for women. 

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International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The "Confluent des Savoirs" (CDS), a scientific mediation unit, contributes to the International Day of Women and Girls in Science by organising events.

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Team mentorship - The career of future PhD holders

Specifically dedicated to future PhD holders, Team Mentorship is an inter-university programme which aims to support junior researchers (First Stage Researcher (R1)) from all fields of scientific research in the development and refinement of their career plans, whether in the university scientific environment (academic) or outside it, in the private, public and associative sectors. 

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The HECTOR Podcasts 

In 2022, 4 episodes were published, whose first was about the place of women in research. Next to the podcasts, debates and round-tables have also been organized to extend the discussions. A season #2 has started in October 2023. 

Learn more about HECTOR

Access the HECTOR podcasts on Spotify

The University Forum for International Development Cooperation (FUCID)

As an NGO within a university, the University Forum for International Development Cooperation (FUCID) aims to be a place of meeting, expression, debate, advocacy, awareness and commitment, action, militancy and utopia. A network of men and women sharing the same values of solidarity and citizenship.  It is rooted in the vision of UNamur and in this framework participates in the overall objective of the university, namely to train responsible actors in society for a more just, sustainable and equitable world, with respect for human rights. Read more

An Escape Game on women's rights through time was organised by Kot "Right Hand" in collaboration with FUCID. The aim was to raise awareness of the rights, image and general situation of women through times. It was an escape game accessible between 25 April and 2 May 2023, with moves around the city. The escape game also has an online podcast version. The escape game also benefits from an online podcast version.

In addition, between the end of January and the beginning of February 2022, a law student completed her 'FUCID internship' at the ASBL Droit des Femmes, Femmes de Droit (Women's rights, Lawful Women).

Finally, over the past year, FUCID has produced a podcast on feminist commitment, and the accompanying teaching tool will be released in November 2022.

Collaborations and partnerships

UNamur, like the other 5 universities of the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles (FWB), is present on various committees and networks:


The University of Namur is a partner of STEAMULI, a space of activities in Sciences, Technologies, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, proposed by different partners active within the province of Namur.  The objective is to make activities available that stimulate and develop STEAM skills for young and old. 

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Chez Marsha: a circle for young LGBTQIA+

Existing for some twenty years within the University of Namur, the "Chez Marsha" circle welcomes LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex and asexual) students in a safe and friendly setting.

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Discover all publications related to the Sustainable Development Goal "Gender Equality" on the UNamur research portal.


The Master of Specialization in Gender Studies

This specialised master degree in gender studies is a programme that trains experts in issues relating to gender, gender equality and sexuality in all sectors, thereby helping to fight discrimination.  This training in gender studies pools the expertise of the six universities of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in this field, by creating or federating specific and original teaching units.

More info here

Objectifs durables anglais

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To find out more and discover a series of examples of sustainable development initiatives and actions taken at the University of Namur, visit the different objectives.