- UE code EFASB357
45Quarter 2
- ECTS Credits 7
- Teacher Kiedaisch Christian
In this course, students learn how a simple macroeconomic model can be used to answer questions such as:
The course covers the basic theory of the determination of aggregate output, unemployment, interest rates, prices, inflation, and exchange rates. The focus of the analysis lies on the short run and the medium run. Various real world applications are analyzed and the effects of different macroeconomic policies are discussed.
The course consists of 5 parts.
The first part gives an introduction and explains the main macroeconomic variables. Furthermore, it presents some basic concepts of national income accounting.
The second part deals with the short run which is characterized by rigid wages and prices. This part contains an analysis of the market for goods and services and of financial markets, and introduces the IS-LM model. This model is then used to analyze the effects of monetary and fiscal policies and to understand some aspects of the financial crisis that started in 2008.
The third part of the course deals with the medium run in which wages and prices are flexible. The labor market is studied and the link between inflation, expectations and unemployment is analyzed. The IS-LM-PC model is introduced and used to analyze the effects that monetary and fiscal policies, as well as supply shocks, have in the medium run.
The fourth part analyzes the open economy and the impact of different exchange rate regimes.
The fifth part (if there is enough time) studies various topics related to the importance of expectations in macroeconomics.
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Short run
Part 3: Medium run
Part 4: Open economy
Part 5: Expectations (if enough time)
In order to enable students to apply the theoretical knowledge and to get familiar with the required calculations, various exercises are solved and discussed in the tutorials and during the lectures. Students are encouraged to prepare the exercises in advance and to actively participate in the tutorials. The problem sets are uploaded on Webcampus in advance and the solutions later on. During the tutorials, students can ask various questions related to the content of the course.
This evening course is addressed to adults working in the daytime. While it pursues the same objectives as course ECGEB270, it has an adapted content and is taught in a way that capitalizes on the professional experience of the audience.
The goal of the course is not only to transmit knowledge, but also to teach students to think critically about macroeconomic issues and to apply their reasoning to current policy issues.
The course is based on the book "Macroéconomie" by Blanchard and Cohen (8th edition). The presentation slides can be accessed via Webcampus.
Students are invited to ask questions during the course. Even though the slides and the book cover most of the content, students are advised to take complementary notes themselves.
There will be a Q&A session at the end of the semester. Students can also arrange meetings with the tutors if they have questions.
The different parts of the course are closely related. In order to understand the content, regular studying is required. Students are advised to carefully read the related chapters in the book and to prepare the exercises in advance.
The exam is written and closed book. The exam covers all 5 parts of the course and contains questions about the content of the course and exercises. Only the use of non-programmable calculators is allowed during the exam. The dates of the exam inspection(s) are announced via Webcampus after the exam.
O. Blanchard et D. Cohen, Macroéconomie, 8ème édition, Pearson France, 2020.
Some old exam questions with solutions (available on Webcampus)
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Unités d'enseignement supplémentaires au master en sciences de gestion (horaire décalé) (772P) | Standard | 0 | 7 | |
Bachelor in Law | Standard | 0 | 7 | |
Bachelor in Economics and Management (Evenings and Weekends Schedule) | Standard | 0 | 7 | |
Formation complémentaire en économie | Standard | 0 | 7 | |
Unités d'enseignement supplémentaires au master en sciences économiques (horaire décalé) (771P) | Standard | 0 | 7 | |
Bachelor in Mathematics | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Formation complémentaire en économie | Standard | 1 | 7 | |
Unités d'enseignement supplémentaires au master en sciences économiques (horaire décalé) (771P) | Standard | 1 | 7 | |
Unités d'enseignement supplémentaires au master en sciences de gestion (horaire décalé) (772P) | Standard | 1 | 7 | |
Bachelor in Law | Standard | 2 | 7 | |
Formation complémentaire en économie | Standard | 2 | 7 | |
Bachelor in Law | Standard | 3 | 7 | |
Bachelor in Economics and Management (Evenings and Weekends Schedule) | Standard | 3 | 7 |