Master in Economics : General, Research focus
regular course
- ECTS Credits 120
The University of Namur offers the Master 120 in economic sciences jointly with the UCLouvain.
Full details of the programme are available on the website of the UCLouvain.
To register for the Master's program, please contact UCLouvain.
The University of Namur provides teaching in the following areas:
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LECON2021 <unknown> 30h th. 5 LECON2311 <unknown> 30h th. 5 LECON2313 Applied Macroeconomics 30h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 ECONM860 Séminaire : politique économique Frogneux Vincent 30h th. 5 ECONM861 Market imperfections: macroeconomic consequences Toulemonde Eric 30h th. 5 ECONM862 Principes et méthodes de la politique économique Frogneux Vincent 30h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 ECONM831 Corporate Finance & Financial Intermediation De Crombrugghe de Picquendaele Alain 30h th. 5 LECON2331 Economics of Finance and Risk Management 30h th. 5 LECON2336 Management of Banks and Financial Institutions 30h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 ECONM834 Monetary Policy RYCHALOVSKA Yuliya 30h th. 5 LECON2436 Monetary and Financial Macroeconomics 30h th. 5 LECON2335 <unknown> 30h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 ECONM821 Population, Environment and Governance BALAND Jean-Marie LIBOIS François 30h th. 5 ECONM822 Development & Institutions : Economic Approaches Cassan Guilhem 30h th. 5 ECONM825 Poverty and Livelihood Strategies Guirkinger Catherine 30h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 ECONM828 Development Macroeconomics KIEDAISCH CHRISTIAN 30h th. 5 ECONM823 Globalization and Macroeconomic Policies Houssa Romain 30h th. 5 LECON2310 Topics in Economic Growth : Theory and Applications 30h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 ECONM904 Political Economics : Explaining Public Policies Decerf Benoît GAUTIER Thomas 30h th. 5 LECON2350 <unknown> 30h th. 5 LECON2411 Norms and Public Intervention 30h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 ECONM905 Personnel Economics Hungerbuhler Mathias 30h th. 5 LECON2051 <unknown> 30h th. 5 LECON2353 Labour Productivity 30h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LECSO2320 <unknown> 30h th. 5 LECSO2330 <unknown> 30h th. 5 LECON2340 <unknown> 30h th. 5 LECON2351 <unknown> 30h th. 5 LTRAV2720 Comparative Social Protection Systems 45h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LECON2370 Industrial Organization and Competition Policy 30h th. 5 LECON2372 Economics of Competition Policy 30h th. 5 LLSMS2041 Economics of Innovation 30h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 ECONM865 Trade Policy and International Cooperation TRIMARCHI LORENZO 30h th. 5 LECON2314 Economic Geography 30h th. 5 LECON2041 International Trade 30h th. 5
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LECON2033 <unknown> 30h th. + 12h ex. 5 ECONM826 Applied Econometrics Debarsy Nicolas 30h th. + 12h ex. 5 LECON2031 Applied Econometrics : Time Series 30h th. + 12h ex. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 ECONM998 Thesis preparation seminar 5 ECONM999 Memory
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LECON2655 Population and Family Economics 30h th. 5 LECON2374 Firm-Level Analysis of Labour and Related Issues 30h th. 5 LECON2600 Dynamical Methods in Economics 30h th. 5 LECON2601 Advanced Econometrics II : Times Series Econometrics 30h th. 5 LECON2602 Advanced Econometrics II : Microeconometrics 30h th. 5 LECON2604 Advanced International Trade 30h th. 5 LECON2605 Capital Markets Theory 30h th. 5 LECON2607 Public Economics 30h th. 5 LECON2608 Advanced Labour Economics Hungerbuhler Mathias 30h th. 5 LECON2609 Game Theory 30h th. 5 LECON2610 Industrial Organization 30h th. 5 ECONM652 Advanced Development Economics Guirkinger Catherine BALAND Jean-Marie 30h th. 5 ECONM654 Advanced Monetary Economics Houssa Romain RYCHALOVSKA Yuliya 30h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LECON2500 Mathematics and Statistics for Economics 30h th. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LECON2069 Ethics and Social Choice 30h th. 5 LECON2065 History of Economic Thought 30h th. 5 LECON2067 Critical Analysis of Market Economies 30h th. 5
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LECON2122 Advanced Macroeconomics II : Growth, Dynamics and Policy 30h th. + 6h ex. 5 LECON2111 Advanced Microeconomics I : Decision and Game Theory 30h th. + 6h ex. 5 LECON2112 Advanced Microeconomics II : Game Theory and Information economics Decerf Benoît 30h th. + 6h ex. 5 LECON2131 Advanced Econometrics 30h th. 5 LECON2121 Advanced Macroeconomics I : Intertemporal Behavior and Business Cycles 30h th. + 6h ex. 5 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LECON2161 Advanced Macroeconomics III 30h th. 5 ECONM653 Research Seminar I : Microeconomics Toulemonde Eric 30h th. 5 LECON2603 Research Seminar I : Econometrics Workshop 30h th. 5
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LECON2021 <unknown> 5 30h th. LECON2311 <unknown> 5 30h th. LECON2313 Applied Macroeconomics 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 ECONM860 Séminaire : politique économique Frogneux Vincent 5 30h th. ECONM861 Market imperfections: macroeconomic consequences Toulemonde Eric 5 30h th. ECONM862 Principes et méthodes de la politique économique Frogneux Vincent 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 ECONM831 Corporate Finance & Financial Intermediation De Crombrugghe de Picquendaele Alain 5 30h th. LECON2331 Economics of Finance and Risk Management 5 30h th. LECON2336 Management of Banks and Financial Institutions 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 ECONM834 Monetary Policy RYCHALOVSKA Yuliya 5 30h th. LECON2436 Monetary and Financial Macroeconomics 5 30h th. LECON2335 <unknown> 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 ECONM821 Population, Environment and Governance BALAND Jean-Marie LIBOIS François 5 30h th. ECONM822 Development & Institutions : Economic Approaches Cassan Guilhem 5 30h th. ECONM825 Poverty and Livelihood Strategies Guirkinger Catherine 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 ECONM828 Development Macroeconomics KIEDAISCH CHRISTIAN 5 30h th. ECONM823 Globalization and Macroeconomic Policies Houssa Romain 5 30h th. LECON2310 Topics in Economic Growth : Theory and Applications 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 ECONM904 Political Economics : Explaining Public Policies Decerf Benoît GAUTIER Thomas 5 30h th. LECON2350 <unknown> 5 30h th. LECON2411 Norms and Public Intervention 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 ECONM905 Personnel Economics Hungerbuhler Mathias 5 30h th. LECON2051 <unknown> 5 30h th. LECON2353 Labour Productivity 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LECSO2320 <unknown> 5 30h th. LECSO2330 <unknown> 5 30h th. LECON2340 <unknown> 5 30h th. LECON2351 <unknown> 5 30h th. LTRAV2720 Comparative Social Protection Systems 5 45h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LECON2370 Industrial Organization and Competition Policy 5 30h th. LECON2372 Economics of Competition Policy 5 30h th. LLSMS2041 Economics of Innovation 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 ECONM865 Trade Policy and International Cooperation TRIMARCHI LORENZO 5 30h th. LECON2314 Economic Geography 5 30h th. LECON2041 International Trade 5 30h th.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LECON2033 <unknown> 5 30h th. + 12h ex. ECONM826 Applied Econometrics Debarsy Nicolas 5 30h th. + 12h ex. LECON2031 Applied Econometrics : Time Series 5 30h th. + 12h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 ECONM998 Thesis preparation seminar 5
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LECON2500 Mathematics and Statistics for Economics 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LECON2069 Ethics and Social Choice 5 30h th. LECON2065 History of Economic Thought 5 30h th. LECON2067 Critical Analysis of Market Economies 5 30h th.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LECON2121 Advanced Macroeconomics I : Intertemporal Behavior and Business Cycles 5 30h th. + 6h ex.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LECON2655 Population and Family Economics 5 30h th. LECON2374 Firm-Level Analysis of Labour and Related Issues 5 30h th. LECON2600 Dynamical Methods in Economics 5 30h th. LECON2601 Advanced Econometrics II : Times Series Econometrics 5 30h th. LECON2602 Advanced Econometrics II : Microeconometrics 5 30h th. LECON2604 Advanced International Trade 5 30h th. LECON2605 Capital Markets Theory 5 30h th. LECON2607 Public Economics 5 30h th. LECON2608 Advanced Labour Economics Hungerbuhler Mathias 5 30h th. LECON2609 Game Theory 5 30h th. LECON2610 Industrial Organization 5 30h th. ECONM652 Advanced Development Economics Guirkinger Catherine BALAND Jean-Marie 5 30h th. ECONM654 Advanced Monetary Economics Houssa Romain RYCHALOVSKA Yuliya 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LECON2122 Advanced Macroeconomics II : Growth, Dynamics and Policy 5 30h th. + 6h ex. LECON2111 Advanced Microeconomics I : Decision and Game Theory 5 30h th. + 6h ex. LECON2112 Advanced Microeconomics II : Game Theory and Information economics Decerf Benoît 5 30h th. + 6h ex. LECON2131 Advanced Econometrics 5 30h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LECON2161 Advanced Macroeconomics III 5 30h th. ECONM653 Research Seminar I : Microeconomics Toulemonde Eric 5 30h th. LECON2603 Research Seminar I : Econometrics Workshop 5 30h th.
Admission requirements
Les conditions d'admission à ce master codiplômé entre l'UNamur et l'UCLouvain sont décrites sur le site de l'UCLouvain.
This programme is organised jointly with UCLouvain. To enrol for this programme, please exclusively contact UCLouvain.