Master in Smart Rurality, Professional focus in Geographical Issues and Methods
regular course
- ECTS Credits 120
Cette formation est momentanément suspendue. Seuls les étudiants en cours de cycle (inscrits avant 2022-2023) pourront s'y ré-inscrire en 2024-2025 et terminer leur cursus.
Program only for students enrolled before the 2022-2023 academic year.
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 SOCI2234-1 Building public policy 18h th. 3 ECON2247-1 Agricultural policy 9h th. + 9h ex. 3 DROI0967-1 Rural law 18h th. 3 SSMRM105 Internship 15 AGRO0001-1 Foundation of agriculture 20h th. + 4h ex. 3 PAYS0006-2 Landscape ecology concepts 12h th. + 12h ex. 3 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LBIRA2110B Multivariate modelling and data mining - Applied Econometrics 27.5h th. + 7.5h ex. 3 LGEO1321 Rural and health geography 22.5h th. + 22.5h ex. 4 LGEO1232 The climate and its changes 30h th. 5 LENVI2005 Climate change: impacts and solutions 30h th. 3 SSMRM106 Internship 15
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 SSMRM101 Introduction to rurality Dendoncker Nicolas Dendoncker Nicolas 30h th. + 45h ex. 6 SSPSM101 Science, ethics and development Leyens Stéphane 18h th. + 6h ex. 3 SSMRM102 Global change and the anthropocene Dendoncker Nicolas 15h th. + 20h ex. 3 SSMRM103 Socio-ecological systems and complexity theory Dendoncker Nicolas 15h th. + 20h ex. 3 SSMRM104 Introduction to the theory and management of socio-ecological transitions Dendoncker Nicolas Dendoncker Nicolas 20h th. + 23h ex. 3 SSMRM201 Rural development project (collective project) 10 SSMRM202 Memory 20 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 LGEO2110 Globalisation, development and the environment 30h th. + 30h ex. 5 LDVLP2325 Geopolitics of natural resources 30h th. 5 LGEO2130 Fundamentals of Geographic and Environmental Modelling 30h th. + 30h ex. 5 LGEO2250 Field measurements in geography 30h th. + 30h ex. 5 LGEO2185 Advanced Geo-Processing 30h th. + 30h ex. 5 LGEO2211 In-depth spatial statistics 30h th. + 30h ex. 5
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SOCI2234-1 Building public policy 3 18h th. ECON2247-1 Agricultural policy 3 9h th. + 9h ex. DROI0967-1 Rural law 3 18h th. SSMRM105 Internship 15 AGRO0001-1 Foundation of agriculture 3 20h th. + 4h ex. PAYS0006-2 Landscape ecology concepts 3 12h th. + 12h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LBIRA2110B Multivariate modelling and data mining - Applied Econometrics 3 27.5h th. + 7.5h ex. LGEO1321 Rural and health geography 4 22.5h th. + 22.5h ex. LGEO1232 The climate and its changes 5 30h th. LENVI2005 Climate change: impacts and solutions 3 30h th. SSMRM106 Internship 15
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SSMRM101 Introduction to rurality Dendoncker Nicolas Dendoncker Nicolas 6 30h th. + 45h ex. SSPSM101 Science, ethics and development Leyens Stéphane 3 18h th. + 6h ex. SSMRM102 Global change and the anthropocene Dendoncker Nicolas 3 15h th. + 20h ex. SSMRM103 Socio-ecological systems and complexity theory Dendoncker Nicolas 3 15h th. + 20h ex. SSMRM104 Introduction to the theory and management of socio-ecological transitions Dendoncker Nicolas Dendoncker Nicolas 3 20h th. + 23h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SSMRM201 Rural development project (collective project) 10 SSMRM202 Memory 20 -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 LGEO2110 Globalisation, development and the environment 5 30h th. + 30h ex. LDVLP2325 Geopolitics of natural resources 5 30h th. LGEO2130 Fundamentals of Geographic and Environmental Modelling 5 30h th. + 30h ex. LGEO2250 Field measurements in geography 5 30h th. + 30h ex. LGEO2185 Advanced Geo-Processing 5 30h th. + 30h ex. LGEO2211 In-depth spatial statistics 5 30h th. + 30h ex.