As sophisticated as our computers are, they're still based on the same technology: information is conveyed by the electron, whose presence corresponds to the number 1, and whose absence to 0. This basic unit is called the bit.

There is, however, another way of encoding information. In fact, it's possible to exploit the particular properties of particles on a microscopic scale, and which are defined by quantum mechanics. Using photons, for example, the particles that make up light, quantum technology would then be based on qubits, far richer than conventional bits. Such a change would pave the way for quantum communications, such as cryptography, and quantum metrology, which enables physical quantities such as time to be measured with very high precision.

However, isolating photons remains an infinitely complex task today."With a light source like a light bulb, millions of billions of photons are emitted at the same time, reveals Yves Caudano, FNRS-qualified researcher and lecturer in physics at UNamur.

Yves Caudano, physicien à l'UNamur

The aim of the Artemis project is therefore to create molecules capable of emitting light in a controlled way at very low intensity, i.e. photon by photon.

Yves Caudano Qualified FNRS researcher and lecturer in physics at UNamur

To this end, the scientists plan to synthesize new molecules capable of emitting single photons. "These molecules will be associated with complex metallic nanostructures, which will aim both to make these sources reliable, i.e. capable of emitting photons on demand, but also to ensure that the photons will always be sent in the same direction", says the physicist. "One of the challenges of this project is also to produce photon pairs, by arranging these molecules in crystals and thus creating particular optical conditions."

Entangled photons

These pairs of photons, also known as entangled photons, are one of the quantum properties of particles on which systems such as quantum cryptography are based.

Thus, a quantum cryptography algorithm would be able to solve problems in record time. "Actually, the cryptography that protects our communications relies on the complexity of a calculation, which no known algorithm can solve in a sufficiently short time," he summarizes. In contrast, there is a quantum algorithm that has been shown to be capable of performing this calculation in a reasonable time. And so, for example, decode all current messages encoded in this way."

Machines qui sont employées dans le cadre du projet de recherche Artemis

The role of UNamur

To succeed, Artémis relies on the expertise of 10 European institutions, and a budget of over 3 million euros. Yves Caudano, as a quantum physicist, is particularly involved in the quantum characterization of photons. "We will create experiments to ensure that molecules do indeed emit single photons", he states. "Then we'll look at the photon pairs emitted, to determine all their characteristics."

These measurements are a crucial aspect of the project, as they are what will show that photon sources are reliable, and usable by technological systems outside a laboratory. But as with everything to do with quantum physics, the difficulties here are singular. "In classical physics, the system we are studying is independent of its observer", he explains. "Or, in quantum mechanics, any measurement also destroys the state we seek to observe."

So we'll have to be cunning. Yet Yves Caudano is precisely a specialist in what are known as weak measurements, capable of only slightly disturbing the system under study. They must, however, be carried out a large number of times to obtain usable information. "Thanks to a new technique, we've found that these weak measurements also enable us to amplify extremely weak phenomena, which we couldn't see before. This will be extremely useful to us in the design of quantum experiment protocols intended to show the efficiency of light sources."

The project, which will run until 2027, is still in its early stages, and the first molecules are only just emerging from the laboratories. Considered a high-risk project, it should enable the EU to become a leader in the quantum computer race.

Thibaut Grandjean

Three questions for Yves Caudano

Omalius : Que sont des photons intriqués ? 

Yves Caudano : Prenons l'exemple de la polarisation d'un photon, c'est-à-dire la façon dont son champ électrique va osciller, et que nous allons tenter de caractériser. Cette dernière peut prendre diverses valeurs. Mais lorsque deux photons sont intriqués de manière spécifique, dès le moment où l'on va mesurer la polarisation sur l'un, celle de l'autre lui sera opposée. Un peu comme deux amis qui, quelle que soit la question qu'on leur pose, vont toujours répondre le contraire l'un de l'autre. Cette intrication signifie que cette paire de photons forme un système global, qui n'est pas séparable en deux entités distinctes. 

O. : À quelles questions fondamentales liées à ce projet vous intéressez-vous ? 

Y.C. : Je m'intéresse avant tout à la caractérisation des états quantiques des particules que l'on appelle la tomographie quantique. Les mesures faibles vont nous permettre d'arriver à obtenir directement des informations liées à la nature des particules, au lieu de la méthode habituelle qui n'est qu'une reconstruction a posteriori. C'est un peu comme avoir directement accès aux ingrédients d'un plat, mais en quantité extrêmement réduite, plutôt que d'essayer de deviner en le goûtant.  

O. : Qu'espérez-vous comprendre grâce à cela ? 

Y.C. : Il existe en mécanique quantique des difficultés d'interprétation, voire des paradoxes, avec par exemple des probabilités apparaissant négatives. Nous souhaitons utiliser les résultats des mesures faibles, obtenus ici à l'UNamur, pour mieux comprendre ces questions. 

ARTEMIS is supported by Horizon Europe under the EIC Path Finder program (grant number: 101115149)

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