Respect for ecosystems through sustainable, local food is at the heart of this project, initiated within the VéCU (Carmiel project) and supported by the Assemblée générale des Étudiants (AGE). The garden of the Carmel de Jambes student residence has been transformed into a flower meadow and apiary favoring a native and endangered species of bee (Apis mellifera mellifera). A second hive was installed in 2023 alongside the first didactic hive, which had found its place in the garden in 2022.

The project leaders: Assemblée Générale des Étudiants, in partnership with Camille Calicis, researcher in the Education and Technology Department (IRDENa institute), beekeeping trainer.

CANDLE call for projects

Depuis 2013, les appels Campus Namur Durable (CaNDLE) ont pour vocation d'inviter la Communauté Universitaire à proposer des actions dont l’objectif est de rendre le campus et l’activité universitaire plus durables à court, moyen et long terme.