With a view to promoting greener chemistry at UNamur, this project aims in the short term to make a significant impact on campus sustainability via the installation of a deionized water production system for the Faculty of Science's chemistry teaching laboratories. This system will enable a significant annual reduction in water consumption in these laboratories, as well as a reduction in the use of chemical products. The project includes an awareness-raising dimension on the issue of water resource management, aimed at students, supervisors and, more broadly, researchers and visitors.

Project leaders: Sarah-Davina Pierard and Johan Wouters (Chemistry)

The project leaders: Sarah-Davina Pierard and Johan Wouters (Chemistry)The project leaders: Sarah-Davina Pierard and Johan Wouters (Chemistry).
ODD CANDLE 2023 Département de chimie

CANDLE call for projects

Depuis 2013, les appels Campus Namur Durable (CaNDLE) ont pour vocation d'inviter la Communauté Universitaire à proposer des actions dont l’objectif est de rendre le campus et l’activité universitaire plus durables à court, moyen et long terme.