For excellent teaching and research.
Plagiarism is a matter that concerns us all, whatever our place in the university (student, researcher, assistant, academic). It's neither ethical nor professional, and it goes against the values we want to transmit: intellectual rigor, quality of information, conduct with integrity.
The plethora of plagiarism profiles and causes shows just how complex the problem is, and how difficult it is for anyone confronted with plagiarism to grasp.
That's why it's important to talk about it among colleagues in particular, to students at the start of courses and before any written work is handed in, at seminars to alert your peers, at faculty council to come up with a "common policy" towards plagiarists.
Anti-plagiarism campaign and anti-plagiarism quiz
An anti-plagiarism campaign was launched on campus to mark International Intellectual Property Day on 26/04/2021, to raise awareness among students, researchers and teachers of the concept of plagiarism and its implications.
An online quiz is also available.

Information campaign
As part of its HRS4R action plan (Human Research Strategy for Researchers - EURAXESS), and by ratifying the European Charter for Researchers, the University of Namur has committed to setting up a campus-wide information and awareness campaign aimed at students, researchers and teachers alike.
To significantly curb plagiarism, the University of Namur intends to pursue a comprehensive policy with three components:
- prevention via, in particular, an information and awareness-raising campaign;
- education, in particular by stressing to lecturers in methodology, intellectual property, scientific communication, written expression, etc., the importance of educating students to respect the intellectual rights of others;
- repression by enacting clear rules, sanctions and remedies.