The Board of Directors of the University of Namur formalized at its meeting of 01/09/2017 the creation of a humanities ethics committee as a local body for advice on ethical aspects related to research in the humanities, when such advice is requested by a funder.


The form concerning ethics in the humanities and social sciences proposed by the funder, duly completed, must be sent by email to the Vice-Rectorate for Research.


This will be analyzed by the ethics committee, with regard to the ethical requirements of this funder.

If the funder does not provide a form, the project sponsor should contact the funder to find out about its ethical criteria and the legislation in which the project falls. Project sponsors can also consult the forms proposed by the FNRS or by the European Community to ensure that the most usual ethical considerations and guidelines are taken into account right from the design and drafting of the project.

A set of internal rules (ROI) is also available on the intranet.

Committee membership

  • Natalie RIGAUX from the Faculty of Economic, Social and Management Sciences,
  • A member of the Faculty of Law,
  • Laurence MEURANT from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters,
  • Olivier SARTENAER from the Faculty of Science,
  • Benoit FRENAY from the Faculty of Computer Science,
  • Karen ROSIER, data protection delegate

Supplant.e.s : Elise DEFREYNE, Jean-Michel LONGNEAUX