Learning outcomes

- Cross-cutting approach to the subject

- Master the vocabulary related to the subject

- To be able to recognise the plants covered in the course and the practicals on the basis of micro- and macroscopic data

- Memorise and understand the main concepts of plant evolution and classification

- To be able to use a light microscope correctly during the practicals


A comprehensive understanding of the classification and evolution of plants, from cyanobacteria to flowering plants.


The course is divided into 2 parts:

1. Histology and anatomy of vascular plants

2. The evolution of plants, from cyanobacteria to terrestrial plants: this part of the course reviews the evolution of the first forms of life, the primordial role of cynaobacteria and endosymbiosis in algae. It then develops, through the major phyla, the progressive conquest of land, with emphasis on adaptations to aerial life.

Table of contents

Part 1: Histology and anatomy of the root, stem and leaves

Part 2: Plant Evolution

1. Introduction and important reminders

2. Reproductive cycles

3. Algae

4. Bryophytes and Psilotophytes

5. Pteridophytes

6. Prespermatophytes

7. Gymnosperms

8. Angiosperms


Attendance to the practicals is mandatory.
Correct handling of a light microscope is a skill to be acquired during practical work.
The smooth running of practical sessions requires a certain amount of discipline. Any behavior deemed inappropriate (disrespect for instructions or people, drunkenness, endangering others, etc.) will be penalized by a mark of 0/20 for the session concerned. In the event of a repeat offence, the UNamur student code of conduct will apply.
Session 0 : at the end of the year, learn to recognize, on the basis of photos, certain representative plants and their families; and, on the basis of twigs/branches, the trees included in the lists available on webcampus.
Session 1: Introduction to floral identification
Session 2: Histology 1
Session 3: Histology 2
Session 4: Anatomy 1
Session 5: Anatomy 2
Session 6: Histological adaptation of plants to their living conditions
Session 7: Review
Session 8: Placentation and fruits
Session 9: Floral determination
Session 10: Tree determination
Session 11 : Field day at Domaine d'Haugimont

Teaching methods

PowerPoint presentations available on webcampus in PDF format. These documents are available at the beginning of the term.

Assessment method

Plan A face-to-face: Written assessment for theory and practical work (the assessment of the practical work can take place out of session in order not to overload the session). If no serious failure is observed (see below), the mark for the theory assessment represents 50 % of the final mark. The modalities of the practical assessment are described during the practical sessions.

Plan B distance learning: Assessment via the webcampus TEST tool. The calculation of the final score will be identical to that described for plan A.

Failure to participate effectively in the evaluation of any part of the course/TP will be considered a breach of contract and will result in a 0/20 grade for the entire course (Plant Biology and practical work), whether in the 1st OR 2nd session.

In the event of serious failure (grade less than or equal to 7/20) in one of the 2 parts (plant biology or practical work), an exclusion grade will appear on the student's transcript in the 1st OR 2nd session. In the event of a 2nd session, a mark equal to or higher than 10/20 in the 1st session, for one of the parts, will be carried over to the 2de session. 

Signing off for one part of the assessment in the 1st or 2nd session is equivalent to signing off for all parts (plant biology and practical work) of the examination, and a mark of 0/20 will appear on the transcript.

Practical work is mandatory. Attendance will be taken at the end of each session. Each unjustified absence from practical work will result in a "-1" penalty on the overall grade for practical work in the 1st and 2nd sessions. Behavior considered by the assistant as inappropriate for the smooth running of the practical work will be penalized by a "-1" penalty on the final grade in 1st and 2nd session.

As correct handling of a light microscope is a skill to be acquired during practical work, a penalty of 1 point will be applied to the practical work mark if an assistant is required to help you during the exam.

ATTENTION: Grades cannot be carried over from one academic year to the next.

Sources, references and any support material

Campbell and Reece: Biology

Raven, Evert & Eichhorn: Plant Biology

Nabors : Plant biology

Mazliak: Evolution in plants

Meyer, Reeb, Bosdeveix et Maloine : Botany 

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Biology Standard 0 6
Bachelor in Biology Standard 1 6