
Explain the specific features of adult learning and training 
To develop a better understanding of the pedagogical practices developed in higher education and adult education in order to better identify their specific features
Acquire knowledge and reference frameworks relating to pedagogy in higher education and adult education
Refine a psycho-pedagogical language
Develop the ability to analyse adult education systems critically, for use in the design of teaching systems
Clarify your career path in higher education with the help of theoretical frameworks on professional development


The course will consist mainly of a theoretical part which will address the following questions:
What are the characteristics of teaching methods in higher education and adult education?
Being a trainer in higher education: my practices and my career path
How can we keep learners engaged in the learning process?
How can we design systems that support participants' cognitive activity?
How can I assess developing professional skills: systems and tools?
This content will be explored in greater depth and contextualised to the specific features of initial teacher training and in-service teacher training, during specific modules for students of the specialised Master's degree in teacher training.


The specific sessions for students of the specialised Master's degree in teacher training, distinguished in this context, will support the analysis of the participants' professional situations from the perspective of regulation in the light of theoretical concepts. They will also contextualise the theoretical concepts with regard to the specificities of initial teacher training and in-service teacher training

Assessment method

Assessment will vary according to the programme in which the student is enrolled.
Students enrolled in the CAPAES programme will be required to submit an integrated assignment at the end of the programme's courses.
Students enrolled in the Master's degree in university pedagogy will be required to complete a reflective assignment.
Students enrolled in the Master of specialisation in teacher training will be required to submit a written assignment in which they will be asked to analyse a teaching or training situation in the light of the theoretical contributions of the course.
Students taking the course as an elective will be required to submit an individual piece of written work in which they will take a reflective look at a teaching situation. 
Each assignment will be subject to specific instructions, which will be clarified in class and made available in the course space accessible via the platform: https://tice.unamur.be/formations/course/view.php?id=35

Sources, references and any support material

•        Barbier, J-M. , Bourgeois, E., Chapelle, G. et Ruano-Borbalan, J-C. (2009). Encyclopédie de la formation. Presses Universitaires de France.

•        Bourgeois, E. et Nizet, J. (2015). Apprentissage et formation des adultes. Presses universitaires de France.

•        De Clercq, M., Frenay, M., Wouters, P., et Raucent, B. (2022). Pédagogie active dans l’enseignement supérieur. Description de pratiques et repères théoriques. Péter Lang, Bruxelles.

•        Faulx, D. et Danse, C.,  (2015). Comment Favoriser l’apprentissage et la formation des adultes  ? Bruxelles : De Boeck.

•        Faulx, D.et Dans, C. (2020). Un modèle d’évaluation de la qualité au service du formateur. Education permanente, n°223, pp.133-143.

•        Ferreira, M et al. (2011). Motivation and Relationship of the Student with the School as Factors Involved in the Perceived Learning. Social and Behavioral Sciences 29 (2011) 1707 – 1714

•        Galand, B. et Bourgeois, E. (2006). (Se) motiver à apprendre. Paris : PUF.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Specialised Master in the Training of Teachers Standard 0 6
Specialised Master in the Training of Teachers Standard 1 6