Learning outcomes

C1 mastery of the didactics of the subject or subjects concerned or of the didactics applied to these subjects;  
C2 knowledge and understanding of the training environments in which you will be working and those in which your future students will be working;  
C3 the ability to support people in vocational training situations;  
C4 mastery of the specific aspects of teaching adults, and young adults in particular;  
C5 the ability to participate in the design and implementation of teacher training programmes;  
C6 the ability to observe, analyse and evaluate elements of professional teaching practice with a view to advising and helping to readjust such practice, drawing in particular on the results of scientific research in education, in the didactics of the subjects to be taught, in psychology, in the sociology of education and in gender studies, concerning in particular cultural diversity, socio-economic inequalities and gender;  
C7 the ability to carry out, individually and with peers, a critical and rigorous analysis of one's own practices and their impact on students and student success


To enable students to discover and critically discuss the most innovative concepts in higher education pedagogy, to give a personal account of them in relation to their practices and to use these conceptual reading grids to decode a teaching situation and suggest improvements;   
explain their personal conceptions of teaching and learning in higher education and compare them with the results of research in the field;  
analyse and put into perspective current pedagogical problems in higher education in the light of the reading grids proposed during the course.


 The common thread of the course is the analysis of inequalities and power relations in higher education and the factors associated with them, on the part of students, teachers, institutions and their interactions. This theme is symptomatic of the challenges facing higher education and its internal tensions. It allows us to question current professional practices in higher education. 
Structure of the course : 
 1- Higher education: multifaceted panel; employability/reflexivity; power/knowledge 
 3- Pedagogical issues: collective learning vs. individual learning 
 4- Teaching and inequalities: power; relationship to knowledge; critical pedagogies; inclusion 
 5- Off-site: work placement; personal learning environment (including the use of digital technology and artificial intelligence) 
Partim : 
6- Specificities of HE as a pedagogical category 
7- Profession in tension between standardisation and emancipation 
8- An international perspective 
9- Evaluating professional practices  
10- A plural professional identity in tension 


Teaching methods

The course methodology includes interactive seminars, case studies, practical workshops and research projects. These elements are designed to ensure a practical understanding and application of the concepts covered. 

Assessment method

Integrated personal work. This involves raising and analysing a questioning situation in higher education in the light of concepts seen in the course.   

Sources, references and any support material

Resources and course materials can be accessed via UNamur's TICE formation / webcampus platform. Students are invited to self-register.   

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Advanced Master in the Training of Teachers Standard 0 6
Advanced Master in the Training of Teachers Standard 1 6