Learning outcomes

  • C3 the ability to support people in vocational training situations;
  • C5 the ability to participate in the design and implementation of teacher training programs;
  • C7 the ability to conduct, individually and with peers, a critical and rigorous analysis of one's own practices and their impact on students and their success, drawing on various disciplines in the social sciences and humanities in order to regulate one's teaching with a view to effectiveness and equity. All these objectives are part of an epistemological distancing and systemic vision.



Familiarise themselves with and practise the various approaches and methodologies for supporting (future) professionals (DAPPP, DAGNEA, AQCED, ASAPP, Instruction au sosie), by implementing them in the analysis of their own professional practices.
Master the precautions of contractualisation and securing the interactional space in the analysis of professional practices
Analysing the place of work or professional activity in practice analysis schemes


1) Different approaches to analysing professional practice :
- peer group analysis of professional practice (DAPPP - Boucenna)
- Group analysis based on the nature of the issues at stake, inspired by the work of Jacques Ardoino (DAGNEA-Boucenna)
- Analysing Professional Action Schemes (ASAP-Boucenna)
- Analysing Clarification Questions in Duo (AQCED-Boucenna)
- Doppelganger Instruction (Odonne and Clot)
2) Components of Professional Practice Analysis
3) Securing the interactional space
4) Analyses produced within the group (meta-analysis)
5) Meta-communication
6) Precautions to be taken when running these systems.

Assessment method

Designing a system for analysing professional practices adapted to the chosen professional environment and using the APP components.

Sources, references and any support material

Beillerot, J. (1998). L’analyse des pratiques professionnelles: pourquoi cette expression? In C. Blanchard-Laville & D. Fablet (Eds.), Analyser les pratiques professionnelles. Paris: L'Harmattan.

Boucenna, S., & Charlier, E. (2013). Reflective practice in the teaching profession: the case of training and research practices in the french community in Belgium. Teacher Thinking to Teachers and Teaching: The Evolution of a Research Community Advances in Research on Teaching, Volume 19, 321–338.

Boucenna, S., Charlier, E., Perréard-Vité, A., & Wittorski, R. (2018). L'accompagnement et l'analyse des pratiques professionnelles : des vecteurs de professionnalisation. Toulouse: Octares.

Boucenna, S., Vacher, Y., & Thiebaud, M. (2022). Comment accompagner avec l’analyse de pratiques professionnelles? Belgique: De Boeck.

Clot, Y. (1999). La fonction psychologique du travail. Paris: PUF.

Clot, Y. (2001). Méthodologies en clinique de l’activité. L’exemple du sosie. In Dunod (Ed.), Les méthodes qualitatives en psychologie (pp. 125-147). Paris: Rouan, George; Santiago Delefosse, Marie.

Clot, Y., Prot, B., & Werthe, C. (2001). Clinique de l'activité et pouvoir d'agir. Arcueil: Revue "Education permanente".

Donnay, J., & Charlier, E. (2008). Apprendre par l'analyse de pratiques. Initiation au compagnonage réflexif. Namur: Pressses universitaires de Namur.

Marcel, J.-F., Olry, P., Rothier-Bautzer, E., & Sonntag, M. (2002). Les pratiques comme objet d'analyse. Revue française de pédagogie, 138, 135-170.

Miossec, Y., & Clot, Y. (2015). Le collectif de travail : entre fragilité et ressource. In Les risques du travail (pp. 147-154). Paris: La Découverte.

Oddone, I. (2015). Redécouvrir l'expérience du travail. Paris: Les Editions sociales.

Payette, A., & Champagne, C. (1997). Le groupe de codéveloppement professionnel. Sainte-Foy (Québec): Presses de l'Université du Québec.

Vacher, Y. (2015). Construire une pratique réflexive. Comprendre et agir. Bruxelles: De Boeck.

Wittorski, R. (2018). L'accompagnement et l'analyse des pratiques professionnelles : une professionnalisation croisées des individus, des activités et des organisations. In S. Boucenna, E. Charlier, A. Perréard-Vité, & R. Wittorski (Eds.), L'accompagnement et l'analyse des pratiques professionnelles : des vecteurs de professionnalisation (pp. 202). Toulouse - France: Octares


Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Master de spécialisation en formation d'enseignants Standard 0 6
Master de spécialisation en formation d'enseignants Standard 1 6