Learning outcomes

  • C1 mastery of the didactics of the discipline(s) concerned or of didactics applied to these disciplines
  • C2 the knowledge and understanding of the training environments in which teachers be working and those in which their students will be working;         
  • C5 the ability to participate in the design and implementation of teacher training programs;                 
  • C6 the ability to observe, analyze and evaluate elements of professional teaching practice with a view to advising and helping to readjust these practices, drawing in particular on the results of scientific research in education, in the didactics of the subjects to be taught, in psychology, in the sociology of education and in gender studies, concerning in particular cultural diversity, socio-economic inequalities and gender;           
  • C7 the ability to conduct, individually and with peers, a critical and rigorous analysis of one's own practices and their impact on students and their success, drawing on various disciplines in the social sciences and humanities in order to regulate one's teaching with a view to effectiveness and equity. All these objectives are part of an epistemological distancing and systemic vision.


  • Understand the concept of media, differentiating it from digital tools
  • Develop the ability to critically analyze the educational effects of media and their use in an educational context.
  • Be able to distinguish between media literacy, media education and learning through media, and understand their interrelationships
  • Master the theoretical references for media literacy and situate it in relation to other theoretical references (digital literacy, information literacy, etc.).
  • Master the components of media education didactics.
  • Be familiar with research and be able to update their knowledges of the young people and teachers’ media practices and competences



  1. Definition of the concept of media (and its distinction from the notion of digital tool)
  2. Media in the school context
    1. Media education and media through education  
    2. The educational effects of media
  3. Media literacy
    1. Media education and media literacy – definitions
    2. Media literacy theoretical frameworks
    3. Positioning media literacy in relation to other literacies 
    4. FWB competences frameworks
  4. The didactics of media literacy
    1. Actors and resources in the FWB
    2. Steps to design a media education reflection
    3. Current state of public media and digital practices

Teaching methods

Discussion, exercises and role-playing with students

Assessment method

Individual production of a critical analysis of school media involving a form of media education, drawing on concepts and models seen in the course. Formulation of recommendations for improvement.
In the case of a second session, the assessment procedure is identical.

Language of instruction
